Saturday, June 10, 2006

Got to Love it...

Well, maybe... Good ole Iowa. Run one day and it is hot as hell, the next there is a wind chill that makes it feel 40 degrees. My poor body wasn't quite sure what to think. Only went for a short 3, but it felt pretty good (other than the monster freezing cold wind ;-) I have never been much for morning running, but it sure does feel good to start your day and have a run under your belt. I don't know that I had a choice... I woke up to country music blaring outside Chad apartment window. It is Flag Fest going on in Spencer, and today is the parade... great day for a parade.

Oh and Skippy, motivation was noted and taken into account this morning... we'll see what happens ;-)

Today: 3 miles
Week: 13 miles (double digits for the first time in a while)


Anonymous said...


How long are you going to be in Iowa this time?

I've been out of town a lot lately, also. From Lincoln, to Denver, back to Lincoln, then to Minnesota and back, so I'm also feeling the drastic changes in weather, which does make it tough, especially with all of the traveling. It is good that you are getting your runs in. Keep that going and it will get easier. Enjoy your traveling too, seeing new places is also a good way to enjoy the runs more.


TreeBed said...

Good to hear from you... I am only in town til tomorrow. I am sure it won't be too long before I am back though. Hows your running doing during your travels?