Wednesday, November 29, 2006


All I got to say is... 12 degrees... and it is getting colder!!!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Turkey Day Take Two

Pre-Turkey Run
Pre-Turkey Run,
originally uploaded by TreeBed.
It is hard to believe that a year has gone by since I started this blog, and that I was beginning my journey to get the running shoes going again. A lot has gone on in that year. We missed Beetle on our run this morning. And a beautiful morning it was. After the run it was a soak in the hot tub. This is the life!!! Even with the break in my runs the past few weeks I felt pretty good today. I am thinking back to sucking wind last year on our Turkey Day jount. So even though my running hasn't exactly been the priority as of late... it is good to know that my fitness level is better off than a year ago.

Hope you all have much to be Thankful for... I know I do.

Today: 3 miles
Week: 5 miles

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Well, kind of... it wasn't much of a run. My knee was talking within a mile... so, it only ended up being a couple. However, enough to get me stretched out a bit, and hopefully ready to get a couple of runs in this week up in Oregon. It has been awhile since my last run, and even longer since doing so back in V-town. The run also took on some significance because it was a year ago that I started this Blog. What a year. I am not so sure that I made much of a Come Back (in my running anyway), but when I look at where my life was a year ago... then I can see a "come back" indeed. I have too much to do today to elaborate on that... However, I am hoping that this week brings some time to reflect on the journey of the past year.

Today: 2 miles (sore knee)
Week: 2 miles

Friday, November 03, 2006


Run... what is that? It seems like it has been forever since I was on a run. I am feeling better, and I am hoping that that the next few days will allow time for a run. Although we seem to be in the time period of using EVERY second of the day ;-)

I have heard rumor of 60 degree weather on the way... ooooh, heat wave. We'll see... that could be the extra push I need.