Monday, June 30, 2008

Pink Triangle (2)

Pink Triangle
Originally uploaded by TreeBed
Well... it wasn't a run, but it certainly was a workout going up and down the hill with the giant pink canvases. This year I actually worked, when it came to helping my cousin Patrick (and Fam) with the Pink Triangle. We took it down today, and I am sure my legs (as well as some other muscles I didn't know I had) will feel it tomorrow.

It was a good time though... and a cool thing to be a part of... especially since it was with family.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Originally uploaded by TreeBed
Caught some bug... not been feeling well. This picture sums up most of my activity the past week or so. I am on the mend though... hopefully I can get out soon.

Although if these fires keep burning... it will be like running while smoking a pack of cigarettes.

Friday, June 20, 2008


Originally uploaded by TreeBed
Didn't record my run yesterday... wasn't a whole lot to record, but I did get out. I had to push through some knee pain to get it done. However, I felt good about it when finished.

The second clip in the video is of me in the hammock at the house (right before my run)... If you want to do something good for your running (and the planet)... go read In Defense of Food, by Michael Pollan. It is a good start to thinking differently about the way we eat (which is sorta an important part of living... and living well).

Today: a fair bit of walking to get water for my overheating car...
Week: 3 miles

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

China Camp Run

China Camp Run
Originally uploaded by TreeBed
Oh where does this path lead... This is a shot from yesterdays run. A good day for a good run. It was short, and a little painful. However, I was still quite happy with it.

About to head out for today's attempt... we'll see what happens.

Today: a few miles
Week: a few more miles.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Another Short One

It was another short one tonight, but I did get out... and it was longer than last night. Part of this was due to the sore wheel (left knee), and part of it was a fire burning in nearby Fairfield. I could see the plume of smoke over the hill as I drove to the little reservoir in Vallejo. I also knew that it was a chemical fire from the radio news report accompanying the site, and they were evacuating the surrounding area... so, this seemed like a good reason to cut things a bit short tonight. However, I am sure the air that I breath on a regular basis in Vallejo is just as bad as any I was inhaling during the run.

My short run did include some hills, and so I will be happy with the burn going on in the legs... as well as the momentum of two days of running in a row.

Today: a couple miles
Week: some running

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Still Going...

Had a bit of a break... not really intentional, but chose to put energy into some other things. However, I am ready to get back to it, and got myself out the door this evening. It almost didn't happen as I got caught up in election coverage, but I managed to at least get out and get the legs moving. Not much more... we'll get a bit farther tomorrow.

Today: Running shoes, shorts, and running.