Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Wednesday Weigh In #1 - 142 lbs.

Weight #1
Weight #1,
originally uploaded by TreeBed.
I would guess that I am in the minority of runners who feel they need to gain weight after 3 years off. If I was in amazing shape and in the middle of important races... I would feel great about being at 142 lbs. (I always felt like between 140-145 was a good race weight for me). However, being that I haven't done crap for 3+ years, I'm not super excited to be this low. It basically means my muscle mass is not what it was.

This will change in two ways: One, will be the act of adding activity again. Muscles will be used, and they will return. Two, will be eating better. I need to feed that muscle return, and eat in a more balanced way (not something I have been good at for sometime). I will keep track of the weight and post it from time to time... we'll see what happens.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Running in Wine Country

It was a beautiful cool and misty day up in Napa , and perfect for a run. After posting the picture of Vallejo, I started thinking about where I was going to do the bulk of my running. I realized that once upon a time I had an ever expanding catalogue of places to run in my head. I was always on the look out for possible trails, bike paths, and even wide shouldered roads. There are a lot of those things I don't pay attention to any more. It used to be that everything was in the context of how it would affect my running... when/what I ate, the weather (see a limp flag and think awww no wind today, perfect), how I planned my day. It is strange how things like that are starting to pop back into my brain, and I recognize that they have been missing for some time. Anyway, back to my run today. I explored the new bike path that is being built in Napa, and I also found a nice cinder track at the JC (not that I will be doing workouts anytime soon, but it was sort of fun to think about). I got my easy 3 miles in and enjoyed splashing in a few puddles. It felt good to have a little mud on my legs again.

Today: 3 miles easy
Week: 7 miles

Monday, November 28, 2005

The Plan: with Goals and Such

Ok, my early goal is: To get 3 months of 30 miles a week in comfortably
(with a long range look at a marathon at some point...if I am enjoying the process)

Three areas to focus on:
1. Make Lifestyle Changes- more H2o intake, better diet, watch sleep... take better care of myself.
2. Build up Strength/flexibility- incorporate complementary exercises (have to rebuild my core)
3. Proper Build Up of Mileage- its been a while... the goal is to build myself up, not break me down. Also, I want to build a proper foundation, so if the desire to go farther is there... then I am ready to go.

Next 10 Weeks
Week 1: 12 miles
Week 2: 15 miles
Week 3: 18 miles
Week 4: 12 miles - recovery week
Week 5: 21 miles
Week 6: 24 miles
Week 7: 27 miles
Week 8: 15 miles - recovery week
Week 9: 30 miles - this is where the 3 months begins
Week 10: 30 miles

I realize this is a bit conservative. However, I have done this kind of build up before, and that was after only a few months off. I learned a great deal during that training period about my body and how it reacts to training. This is will not be set in stone. There will be a lot of listening to my body, but I know that this should be a safe build up to provide my body time to re-learn how to train. I also have a lot of other stuff on my plate, so I want something doable... when I look at this, I see "doable" (and that is a big thing at the moment). So from here on out I will start to log miles and keep track of some stats to keep an eye on. Here we go...

Vallejo Running...

originally uploaded by TreeBed.
Yep, that is a big ouch! Ok, so I will be thankful for getting to run in a nice location my first week back... and there ARE nice places to run around the Bay, just not outside my front door.

Today is a planning day anyway, so no run...
I will post more later.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Eagle Crest Running

Eagle Crest Running
Eagle Crest Running,
originally uploaded by TreeBed.
Got our last run for the Turkey Vacation in this morning. About 4 miles... my longest run in quite some time (got to start somewhere). It is going to be hard to go back to the roads of Vallejo.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Turkey Day Run

Turkey Day Run
Originally uploaded by TreeBed.

We did make it out for our run, and it felt good. I am the one with all the clothes. I also turned back the earliest. However, I felt really good about this, in my younger days I would have just gutted it out. Instead I listened to my body, and paid attention to the long term. So two good things today... got out the door, and did exactly what I needed to get done.

I also got to spend the day with some wonderful people, enjoy good food... there was much to be thankful for.

Arrived in Eagle Crest...

Well, yesterday was a travel day... no run... just lots of running around. We got all of our stuff done in the morning (a whole other story), and then made the drive to Redmond, OR. I am sort of wondering why we left the 70s of the bay area, for the freezing fog of central Oregon. However, we have the comfort of a beautiful house in Eagle Crest thanks to the Bessonette's (we thank you).

We didn't go out for a run first thing... a combo of late night, and 26 degrees out. Oh, and a general desire for coffee and some blueberry bread. We are talkin about an afternoon run. We'll see.

Happy Thanksgiving to all...

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

2nd Run Down

I have completed my 2nd run. Although, I will be honest... neither run has been much of a "run". The focus this week is to just get out the door, move my legs faster than walking, and stretch like crazy! I feel like I am made of old rusty car parts... maybe all those miles in the rain back in the day finally caught up to me. I have sat for 3 years, and now I have rusted from the inside out. Fortunately the weather is spectacular in Vallejo and my run can consist of run a bit, sit and stretch... run, walk, stretch... today I sat and stretched in front of the marina and checked out sail boats. I figure next week I will start to lay out something of a plan for my self. Perhaps consult coach Beetle. Until then the point is to enjoy. Of course Beetle does come in today (if he can find a flight that isn't canceled), and that always takes my running a different direction... luckily I am so out of shape I won't even pretend to keep up (it will also be good motivation to keep this all going).

Monday, November 21, 2005

NCAA XC Results

Another part of not running, is being out of the loop when it comes to who is doing what out there (granted some people keep up on this stuff religiously, and others care less). However, I do still have some connections to that world even when I am out of it. My best friend from high school Shawn Beitelspacher (Beetle) is coaching at Alabama, and they had a great end of the season swing to get themselves into the national meet... which was today in Indiana. I am not sure that the Tide did as well as they hoped (and the Hogs (Beetle ran at Arkansas) were in the #2 spot, which they are never satisfied with)... I am sure I will get the whole scoop this week. Beetle is coming out for Turkey Day, and I will get all the details (which the really good ones I will post). I included a link in the side bar to check out the results.

I am still hoping to get run #2 in today. I have to with Shawn coming out tomorrow... he is already in shape. Ouch!

Sunday, November 20, 2005

"This is my comeback!"

Well, I am not really sure that I ever attained anything in my running career to "comeback" to, but that is the great thing about running... if you put on your shoes, and get out the door... you are part of something larger than yourself. Although you can chop running up into all sorts of categories, "elite", "jogger" or in the track world you might even include "sprinters"... you are still all a part of larger consciousness that is attained when you push past the barrier of running being laborious, and stride into a realm where each foot strike connects you to something "right" in the world. Only those who have been there will understand that statement, and that makes you part of a larger group. It is a common ground we share that can be reached whether you are running 15 miles a week for that next fun run... or 115 miles a week preparing for the Prefontaine Classic.

So, here it goes... no bold goals or statements (yet), just the desire to get back out the door with my running shoes on. I want to get back to "running enlightenment", and be right with the world with each foot strike. I have a long ways to go, but that is why I thought it might make an interesting Blog. On these pages I will share the experience with you, and hopefully you will share we me. Although running is great for one's solitude... it is always best in community. Here is my contribution to a community that I have strayed from.

Oh, and... Go Elvis!