Tuesday, May 30, 2006

A Good Start

A Good Start
A Good Start,
originally uploaded by TreeBed.
This is the first round (well, there has been some go before this) of "stuff" that is moving on. I think this may start a landslide of material blah, blah, blah out my front door...

3am on the 30th...

Since my last post was at 3:33pm I figured since I was here... I had to at least write something. However, I have a big day ahead of me tomorrow, so it won't be much...

Monday, May 29, 2006


So, it seems a bit strange to me that one of my most productive days (in terms of sitting at my desk and getting crap done) in a long time... has been on a day when most people are off of work. That is how it goes when your schedule has no rhyme or reason. I leave on Wednesday for Alabama, and so I have to get stuff done to feel ok about taking off again. Anyway, I hope that everyone has had a splendid Monday whether at work or out goofing off...

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Letting Go...

I am taking a day to myself on this fine Sunday. However, as part of that I decided to jot down a few of my thoughts, and that happens to included who ever is reading this. So, welcome ;-) I am using today to sift through "stuff" and clean out that which no longer needs to be kept. I have talked about doing this on here before. The power of cleaning out and letting go... it can be a big job. It is a strange thing to inherit a house. Most people spend there lives working to buy a house and fill it up with "stuff" (usually to realize they don't need half of it)... my brother and I must do the opposite. Take a house full of "stuff" and whittle it down to what we need (and want). Some of this is easy. For example, today I am going through sheets... holy cow, we have enough sheets to open a decent sized hotel. Not too hard for me to toss old sheets into a bag for give away. However, when it comes to random things that remind me of my dad... that seems harder. As if I am giving up one more little piece of him (and can't bare the thought of losing anymore). Some of those things I end up keeping til the next round, and some I say good bye to. Perhaps if I come across one of these items from now on, I will write down a little memory that I get from the item and send it on its way. As I get more and more focused to live my own life, I realize the power in letting as much baggage go as possible. I am finding ways to keep close the spirit of my dad, and let go of the surface. This is something that I am working on applying to the whole of my life. If I could keep focused on the spirit of those around me, rather than their surface... I would have a LOT less to let go of... guess that is why it is called a journey.

I hope you find something beautiful in the spirit of your day...

Thursday, May 25, 2006


originally uploaded by TreeBed.
Took a random trip up to Yosemite to get away... It is always good to get up there and re-focus. Being in the park puts my world in perspective. I think it is the size of everthing...puts all my little things into place. We had to get back to town to play a show (which is a good thing), but even a short trip to Yosemite is a good trip.

Saturday, May 20, 2006


As you can see... not a whole lot in the postin department. I am backing off from as much as I can for a few days. Time to recharge a bit. I am hoping to get a few runs in next week to start back up, but it depends how I feel. I am however going to start a plan for getting in good enough shape to run a marathon next spring. So, a few days to ponder how I want to go about it, and then the journey will begin. Right now I am looking at the Napa Marathon, but we'll see. Anyway, anyone who wants to start training... we'll make it a Go Elvis! event. Maybe we can get TreeBed Design to design some singlets, and maybe we talk Southern Sole into getting involved. Speaking of which... we are making progress. Lots of uncontrolables getting in the way... leaky roofs, slow contractors and just lots to do in general. However, it looks like a mid June opening will be possible. Keep your fingers crossed... I head back in a about a week to put the finishing touches on my end (and help with any last minute craziness...) Send some good thoughts Beetle's way!!!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


originally uploaded by TreeBed.
A little back tracking going on... Lessons being learned. Haven't had much time to write, but lots going on. Painting, grinding and all sorts of little random things getting done.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Back to it

On the road again... well, I suppose "In the Air" would be more appropriate. I am in Phoenix now heading towards Alabama. This is now starting to feel sort of familiar. "Wasn't I just here..." running through my mind. I am tired, but excited to be heading back. I am looking forward to finishing off some of the projects that I have going back there. The store should start looking like a store this time around. Hope everyone's weekend is going well.

Friday, May 12, 2006


Well, no 5 miles today... not because of lack of motivation, but decided that it was the best idea. I am feeling pretty lousy so I wanted to give my self some rest. So, hopefully I will get my feet underneath me soon. I will be off to Alabama again tomorrow for more fun in the south.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Even in Australia...

Today was one of those days... nothing seemed to work quite right, or at all ;-) I will spare you from the ugly details, and I really can't put my finger on why it was soooo crappy. It just seemed to be my turn. I did get a run in just now, and I feel a little better. Ok, that is a lie, but I suppose the day isn't over... it could turn around. Anyway, if I don't run 5 miles tomorrow... someone come out here and kick my butt!!!

Today:3 miles + (24 min)
Week: 6 miles +

Monday, May 08, 2006

Change of Pace

Today has been a nice mix of relaxing a bit after my adventures... and jumping right into the things that need to get done to continue those adventures. It feels like... well, my life. If that makes any sense. By that I mean, it feels like a natural extention of me, and the catch is... in a positive way (which has often been missing). I have spent much of the past year doing almost the exact same motions I am doing today. However, today I am doing them in a much more intentional way. I woke up with purpose. That can be a powerful thing.

At the moment I am in Berkeley eating lunch at one of my favorite sandwich places (Cafe Intermezzo). It is such an interesting contrast from being a couple of blocks off of University of Alabama's campus. I would love to pick up half the student body of each university and switch them... I wonder who would be the most frightened? The two campuses could possibly be polar opposites. I am glad though. In this current world of cookie cutter everything... where interchangeable suburbs are the norm (and even more sad is interchangeable downtown areas), it is good to see different areas of the country so unique in their population. It makes for interesting travels and I think a stronger fabric of our country.

Today: 3 miles
Week: 3 miles

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Heading Home...

Before leaving Omaha I got to have lunch with two guys that are high on my list of hardworking, classy runners that I have run with and coached. It was a great way to cap off my trip... and I wish them luck tomorrow in their races tomorrow (I look forward to hearing how it goes). The idea of Boston 2008 was thrown out there... more on this later.

I am in PHX now, and heading out soon to finish this latest journey. It has been a very rich couple of weeks. I am looking forward to seeing the bay, and gearing up for the next round of adventures. Hope all your weekends are going well.

Friday, May 05, 2006

The Miser

Tonight I am hanging out backstage of a production of The Miser that my friend Chad is in. This is at the Spencer Community Theatre. I actually watched the production last night... Tonight I am stashing myself away in the green room. I have some work to do so that will be fine. Community theatre is such a cool thing. An opportunity for people to be someone else, interact with their neighbors, learn, teach... have fun. Spencer is a place where the community theatre is supported and used effectively. I very much enjoy being around it.

Tomorrow I head home... it is hard to believe how long I have been gone. Soooo much has been packed into these past few weeks. I have learned a ton, and tried things that I have wanted to try for years. It will be nice to head home (if only for a few days). I am looking forward to seeing my brother, and my crew back in the bay (see you all at the Giants game if not Sunday).

I have grown a lot during this trip I think... grown into myself in many ways. The flow of my actions defining my life, rather than me trying to hold tight to perfect ideas of what my life should be. I have projects unfolding in front of me, and I am trying my best to step back to observe as much as I can. The goal is to look for where my talents and skills will be useful... and where I am better off to let someone else move forward. I am developing a strong sense of the importance of learning the difference between going into a situation with a high level of confidence, and at the same time... leaving my ego behind. If I can do that... I can be very effective, and accomplish a lot at a very high level. This is exciting to me.

Thursday, May 04, 2006


I am now in Iowa and exploring a new project. This would be switching gears a bit (back into my coffee hat), but following the same lines... helping get a business off the ground that will benifit a community of people, and raise the bar of the independent businesses that surround them. I will write more soon...

P.S. I have upgraded from Beetle's floor... to Chad's couch... ahhh, living the life.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


A string of 2am bedtimes, 15+ hour days, and the stress of trying to pull off a bunch of stuff that I have never done before... has left me a bit foggy. I am sitting here in Chicago after a 5am wake up, and a 2 min flight from Birmingham (that was all that I was awake for ;-) Now it is on to Omaha, and a drive up to Spencer, IA. I am looking forward to this next adventure, but it might take a day or two to switch gears... we'll see.

Monday, May 01, 2006


Ahhh, we have gone from tossing around 80lb bags of concrete to tossing around business jargon and numbers. Tonight we are hammering out the second half of a business plan for Southern Sole. I sure wish I had soaked in a little more of that Intro to Business class back in the day. I was cruzin till we got to all the number stuff... then the eyes sort of glazed over (or maybe that was because I have gone to bed after 2am the past few nights). Had to extend my time here until Wed. (too much to do), and then it is to Iowa. Have I mentioned I am heading to Iowa next? Yup, off to Spencer, IA for a few days before heading home. Will be looking into my next project perhaps. Tom, if you are out there, I will be in touch...

Ok, all... back to business.

Today: 4 miles (holy cow was my body hurtin from pouring those counters)
Week: 4 miles