Wednesday, September 27, 2006

If At First...

You don't start running... try again a little later. Tonight as the sun was starting set I got myself all ready for my run. It had been a productive day and it seemed like a logical step to add a run to that productivity (plus I hadn't left the house yet ;-) It was quite a bit cooler than it was two nights ago, which was much to my liking... all was in place for a pleasant run. I locked the door behind me, walked to the edge of my stairs... and stopped. As I looked at my neighborhood I had no desire to venture off into it's concrete confines. I often don't look forward to this, but this was the first time it stopped me in my tracks. For the first time, maybe ever, I simply turned around and walked back inside. This was very strange. I sat down and thought about it... a friend had called so I sat and talked for a few minutes. I asked for a pep talk... Lets just say there is no future in motivational speaking for her. However, by the end of the conversation (perhaps just for the sake of not being on the phone anymore... if you know me at all you know how much I love the phone), I was ready to try again. Once again, I locked the door... turned to face my environment... and this time set off towards the rusting sky (which reminds me... I have a song to finish with that image in it... wrote it on the road home from Iowa). At first I thought this might have been a bad idea. I felt pretty lousy, maybe my body was telling me it was a bad day for a run. I didn't listen. I let the run progress as it needed, and before I knew it... I was back at my door... 4 miles later. It is good to give yourself a second chance.

Today: 4 miles
Week: 7 miles

Monday, September 25, 2006

Back at It

Finally got a run in... it has been a while. I had an amazing last week, but no running. I won't even try to fit my whole week into a post. However, I will say that it was a beautiful example of how people can live in balance with each other and the land. Really cool to be a part of!!!

Today was my day to get back into the swing of things... getting stuff done around the house, food shopping, catching up on work stuff, and thankfully a RUN. It wasn't a great run, but a run none the less. It was a beautiful evening for a run. Warm, and the sunset forced me to just walk for a bit and soak it in.

I hope that everyone is doing well...

Today: 3 miles
Week: 3 miles

Sunday, September 17, 2006


Hey all... I will out of touch for a week. I will tell you all about it upon my return... take care.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

On the Road Again...

Ugggh... Back at the driving bit. In Cheyenne getting ready to take off for a long day. I am draggin my feet a bit on actually getting going though. I did get a nice swim in last night... and had plans of starting off my morning that way, but the reality of that at 6am was a little more than I was up for. It was a nice thought though.

Monday, September 11, 2006


Hey ya'll... no running (I am kind of craving one... which is a good sign for where my head is ;-) The past few days have been a hurricane of work!!! Maybe it is just that after working Beetle's mammoth project, our little space seems like a piece of cake... However, part of it is just a great compliment of skills and talents that I am surrounded by. We have completely transformed a cramped little photography studio, into a really cool space for coffee, music, photo display... community. And we haven't even got to some of the fun stuff yet!!! Ahhh... I am tired. A tired that I am proud of and had fun earning. I haven't talked much about specifics cause there have been things that were up in the air, but pictures and info are on the way... and hopefully a few runs as well.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Three More

I am living on my little 3 mile runs... snuck another one in today. The big news of the day is that I signed the sub-lease for our coffee space. So, now after being here for two weeks we can finally dig in fully!!! Yippee! More on all that later. Tonight we went to a house concert in town. Chad played a short opening set for an Austin singer-songwriter... Danny Santos. It was a good evening of listening.

Today: 3 miles
Week: 9 miles

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Lazy Blogger...

Well, my lack of posts the past few days speaks to my running... but I suppose the silence also speaks to my time allocation for the blog. It has been a bit hectic. Yesterday was spent traveling to the Twin Cities to do some shopping (we ended up with nothing... well, not totally true), and Chad had a gig. This morning we drove back... I am beat. However, I did get a sluggish short run in. That I do feel good about. I really need to sneak a long one in soon... maybe tomorrow. We'll see. I longer post tomorrow as well.

Today: 3 miles
Week: 6 miles

Monday, September 04, 2006

Run with the Moon

I have mentioned before that I don't get to go on many (ok, any...) night runs in Vallejo. So, when I do get to go out for a run under a healthy moon... I enjoy it all the more. The warm touch of summer is hanging on, but fall is starting to collect in cool pockets of air. Although it was another short run, it felt powerful. I have been guilty to many times over the past year of just running to fit it in... tonight I soaked it in... used it to blow off steam... enjoyed it. I need to respect the potential of each run. I know that sometimes it just has to be done, so you can keep a string of fitness going... but we must remember how pure and simple the whole thing can be. I was lucky enough to do that tonight.

Today: 3 miles
Week: 3 miles

Saturday, September 02, 2006


Oh man... I ran about 3 hours ago, and I am just now getting to post about it... why? Well, I got done with an excellent run at sunset. It had been grey and rainy all day, and right when I got out the door to go run... the clouds broke and it was a beautiful show. So, I finished off a run (a bit faster pace than usual), called Papa Murphys (a new addition to Spencer), ordered a pizza, had to go across the street to the "store we shall not speak of..." so I could get a pizza cutter, ended up getting a movie (Grizzly Man, which I am about to watch... if I can stay awake), got back to Chad's apartment ready to rock'n'roll with my take'n'bake (I was REALLY excited about my pizza at this point)... Hummm... the oven won't light. Matches... no. Ooh a lighter... I could try to light a little piece of paper on fire and get the stove going that way... sounds like it would work, but no. Urgh!!! Ok, back out... find a gas station, no matches, but they do have a trigger lighter, that should work (I pick up some tasty beverages as well, make the trip worth while). Back to the apartment, which now smells strangely of burnt paper. The trigger lighter didn't seem to want to work either... Nooooooo!!! I am feeling like a grizzly bear at this point... one last try... whoooosh... WE HAVE IGNITION. Pizza goes in... the longest 12-15min of my life later... Mmmmmmm... and now, Uuuuugh. To much pizza. Oh well, now I will sit like a slug and watch my movie. Hope everyones weekend is treating them well.

Today: 3 miles (quick)
Week: 13 miles