Friday, March 31, 2006

Good Start, Same Finish

Dang it! I started this week so well... and now it looks very much like I am continuing my less than stellar running ways. The end of the week got busy REALLY quick. However, next week will prove to be a good running atmosphere, and help get me in gear. Tuesday I fly to Alabama. Beitle is opening a running shoe store, and I am heading out to help where I can. This is a pretty exciting adventure. We will be busy, but I will try my best to fill you in on how it goes.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Rain... Again.

Yup... still raining... can you tell I have become a wimpy Californian? Actually, I don't really mind it. I have plenty to do inside, and there are little breaks in the rain to sneak a run in. Which I just did. My last 5 min or so even got the beginnings of the next storm wave. A gentle rain as I was finishing my way up a good sized hill. Now I can hear the drops outside getting heavier and heavier, its good music to accompany a hot shower. There is nothing quite like getting done with a quality run, that you didn't really want to go on. I am picking my mom up at the airport today and so I have been trying to get a bunch of things done before hand... even after a few blocks I still was not committed to getting the run in. However, now that I am sitting here with it done, It feels great. I guess that is part of why I keep this log, to remind myself of that stuff.

Today: 3 miles
Week: 8 miles

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

More Storm... Better Umbrella

Today the rain keeps falling (geez it is dark and grey... did I really grow up in the NW?), but I have already had a better day than Monday. Starting the day off with a termite inspector is not the way to go, and some how I spent more time in my bed then out... I realize to some that sounds pretty good, but trust me... it is not all its cracked up to be. Anyway, today I got a few balls rolling already, and it is Dad's Birthday. He would be 56. Exactly twice my age. Some how that sticks with me... would I be doing something different right now if I knew that my life was half over (or even shorter). Today I triumphantly say, "NO!" I am going to get on the ferry with some work and a good book, buy an umbrella, go to MOMA, and have dinner with my brother and good friends... Living in a way that is meaningful to me. That would make my Dad smile.

I recieved a wonderful little note from a friend today that ended this way...

"And what is it to cease breathing, but to free the breath from its restless tides, that it may rise and expand and seek God unencumbered?
Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing.
And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb.
And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance."
--Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet

Monday, March 27, 2006

Beat the Storm...

I guess there is a storm a brewin... so I was happy that I got myself out the door this morning. I was also happy to get a solid 5 miles in. Slow. Sluggish. And Ugly. But 5 miles none the less. Not really sure what my deal has been the last few days, but I have just felt beat up. Perhaps all the crap I was trying to get done last week... not sure. Hopefully doing a whole lot of nothing this weekend was the rest I needed. I sort of have to remind myself to have defined chill out time. My days often include plenty of time when things are laid back, but I still feel like I should ALWAYS be doing something. Where as most people have their 5 days they work, and then the few days they don't. It is all a blurry mess for me. Which I like most of time. However, the key is managing both the work load and relax time into a sustainable package. Not always an easy thing.

Hope your Monday is treating you well...

Today: 5 miles
Week: 5 miles

Friday, March 24, 2006


originally uploaded by TreeBed.
Got some stuff up to the store today... went for a rainy run. At least it is not too cold. Just wet. The knees felt yesterdays "speed work" (in my Clarks), but nothing major. Happy weekends to all.

Today: 4 miles
Week: 11 miles

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Speed Workout

I had to report on my speed workout today... well, this evening. I had dinner in the city, headed up to have a "web site meeting" (which means having a cup of coffee with Carver - my 3rd trip to Ritual Roasters this week... and well, ever). Then it was a mad dash to catch the last ferry. At first I thought I had plenty of time... waiting for BART ... umm, this could be close... ummmmmm, there is no way I am going to make it... ummm, well, um if I run like the wind... I just might do it. BART hits the Embarcadero, and I am off... Up the stairs in leaps and bounds (give that lactic acid a head start), more stairs, the city air hits my lungs, I find my stride, glance at the watch, less than 1 min (depending on the mood of the driver), I can see the bus (the last ferry is actually a bus, don't ask), will myself across traffic, lungs burning, ahhhhh, I made it onto the bus!!! Then in rather anti-climactic fashion the bus driver gets slowly on the bus, punches my ticket (while looking at me as if I am a total moron for my display of "world class speed")... "Wasn't sure I would make it." I said with a half chuckle, "You made it." was his careless response. I thought a high-five would have been more appropriate. Anyway, I am not sure I will make this a part of my training schedule, but it was an exciting addition for today.


originally uploaded by TreeBed.
I have been testing this prototype phone for the past few months for a new phone company. At first I thought it was pretty cool... Small, simple, fun (guessing who is calling), I felt like I was on the cutting edge. However, today I have to say goodbye, the trial period has come to an end. Unfortunately the company went bankrupt. It turns out that most people actually use the screen portion of their phones. They also discovered that people didn't necessarily have to buy the phone... they could just throw their phone and possibly get the same result. I guess it was fun while it lasted...

Today: 4 miles
Week: 7 miles

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Balance & Discipline

These are two things that I am not the best at lately. Granted there is a LOT going on, but if I am going to keep it going... I must get better. The problem is the more you get buried by your lack of balance and discipline, the harder it seems to get out using those two things. That frustrating cycle has had it's grip on me for quite some time. So, I guess the only thing to do is pick a spot to start... and dig in. We'll see.

Today: 3 miles
Week: 3 miles

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Spring Preview

Spring Preview
Spring Preview,
originally uploaded by TreeBed.
This is a little peek into what I have been working on. It will be a small introduction at first... mostly just a representation of the things that have came out of the past 4 months or so (which wasn't a lot volume wise). So, tomorrow will be more like planting seeds than making a big splash...that seems a little more TreeBed anyway. Happy Spring!!!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Big Mouth

Well, that is what I get for opening my big mouth... I make a grand statement about being back in running mode, and then don't run for the next two days. Urgh! I have been cranking away in the studio this week. I am not going to use that as an excuse for not running, but at least I wasn't just sitting on my butt. So I guess it is back to baby steps for the running. I did do more this week than the previous week, and so I will shoot for a bit more next week.

I did get a walk in this morning, but it just isn't quite the same.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Running Road

Well, it wasn't exactly the first thing I did this morning (I had some work that had to be attended to), but I did get the run in. And it was the 5 miles I was looking for... which about half way through I felt like turning it into 3. However, I broke through that little barrier and now feel like I am legitimately back on the running road. A good thing I think. Lots to do today...

Today: 5 miles
Week: 8 miles

I will get up and run... I will get up and run...

Tuesday I got up and ran first thing... it was one of the most productive days I can remember (I am cranking away in the studio to get my Spring Release in the store by... well, Spring - March 20th). So, I am going to try to get up in the morning and repeat that task. That didn't happen this morning, and I never really seemed to get going. I guess that is not totally true. I still got a fair amount done, but it didn't seem to compare to Tuesday. It always works better when I commit myself the night before (especially considering when I commit it here... I am not alone ;-)

Oh, and for some reason I thought today was St. Patricks Day. I got an e-mail from a friend mentioning it... so I just assumed it was today (the 15th). I guess I really should leave the house a bit more!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Got a nice 3 miles in this morning. Just beat the storm that is coming in (I even got to see some sun). Felt a little sluggish, but I think that was mostly just the morning talking. By the end of the run I felt a bit more fluid. Now for some weights, water... then coffee ;-)

Today: 3 miles
Week: 3 miles

Monday, March 13, 2006

Walkin Kinda Day

No run today... Decided on a walk instead. Just seemed to fit my mood. My plan is to get out the door first thing tomorrow (never an easy task for me) for a run. I am going to shoot for about 15-20 miles this week, and get the ball rolling again. Yeah, lots on my mind. The past weekend was a big test for me (mostly in terms of my expectations vs. my follow through), and I am still processing a great deal of it. However, I feel pretty good about it. It was a step, and I like that I can comfortably (for the most part) see it as that... without the need to see it as anything else. A precious moment on my path.

Sunday, March 12, 2006


originally uploaded by TreeBed.
I first saw Storyhill play at Graceland University (it was "College" back then mind you) when I was a Freshman... If someone would have told me at that show that I would be opening for them 10 years later... well, it would have taken some convincing!!! As I said tonight, when I started learning to play the guitar my goal was to be able to play some Chris & Johnny (Storyhill) songs (and not suck). Tonight I introduced them onto the stage after playing a few of MY songs. They were very gracious, and seemed genuinely to enjoy my songs (that did make me a little warm and fuzzy inside ;-) And then they got up there and rocked the place. It was a VERY good show. They were on their game tonight and it was pretty awesome to be a part of it. When they ended with a second encore and played Steady On... it was certainly one of the best versions I had heard (in recordings or live), WOW!!!

Concert Craziness

Well, no run the past few days... the end of this week was all about getting ready for a concert that we are putting on at the church. Storyhill is going to play a benefit concert tonight and the money made will go to Outreach International. So it should be a good time, for a good cause. TreeBed Design has been working to create a pleasant atmosphere for the evening (with coffee and goodies, as well as the look and feel of the church)... and I will also be playing a few songs to open the show. A little strange to be opening for two musicians that were a major reason I started playing the guitar in the first place. Anyway, I am excited, and I will let you all know how it goes.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Morning Run

Morning Run
Morning Run,
originally uploaded by TreeBed.
I got 3 in this morning without pain... I could feel some tightness in the knee, but no pain. It was a nice chilly morning. However, that sun makes all the difference! My goal last night when I went to bed was to do my run first thing today... a good start to the day. Now it is time for coffee!!!

The picture is a trail down on the water in Vallejo... it would awesome if it was a bit longer, but hey it is better than nothing.

Today: 3 miles (no pain, a little tightness)
Week: 5.5 miles

Monday, March 06, 2006


Well, I got out the door today... that was good... and I felt pretty good for about 2, and then my knee started talkin to me again. So, it looks like I have an actual issue there that needs addressing. Urgh!!! Staying off the pavement, shoes, a bit of ice... that should take care of it, but I would rather just get out the door and start pounding. Oh well. Anyway, I did get two miles in and another two of walking (which is better than nothing). I had some down time towards the end of last week... sort of the let down and recovery of my adventures. This week will be about getting in gear, not off of the adrenaline of my trip, but by setting a solid foundation for me to work from. Happy Monday to all...

Today: 2 miles
Week: 2 miles