Thursday, March 09, 2006

Morning Run

Morning Run
Morning Run,
originally uploaded by TreeBed.
I got 3 in this morning without pain... I could feel some tightness in the knee, but no pain. It was a nice chilly morning. However, that sun makes all the difference! My goal last night when I went to bed was to do my run first thing today... a good start to the day. Now it is time for coffee!!!

The picture is a trail down on the water in Vallejo... it would awesome if it was a bit longer, but hey it is better than nothing.

Today: 3 miles (no pain, a little tightness)
Week: 5.5 miles

1 comment:

TreeBed said...

Good to see your comment... I was wondering how you were doing. Safe travels, and have a great time. A little warm weather will be nice!