Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Happy Halloween... just wanted to send a spooky greeting to all... I am dressing as a tired entrepreneur. I have been fighting off a cold, or perhaps just stress/exhaustion... so no running for the past week. And it is in the teens tonight for our temp (low teens mind you), so that kind of weather is not helping. However, when I feel better... I am kind of looking forward to a freezing cold run (yes, I am sick well beyond the common cold). I have to admit a certain craving for it. I had some good midwest memories of freezing cold running. Not to often ice forms in the armpits of your shirt in California. One of those runs will probably do me just fine ;-)

Have a good one...

P.S. Beetle has his website up (mostly)... go check out what Southern Sole is up to.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Well, I was oh so close to getting a run in today... instead I took a nap. Yeah, not the same. I am craving a run, but feel pretty crappy so it has been hard to get out the door. I have run myself in to the ground a bit the past week or so, and now my body is fighting back. So, it is time to step back and make sure that I am taking care of myself (not always a strong suit of mine). The bright side is that the coffee house is starting to shape up... you can check out progress with the new link on the right side of the this page... TreeBed Projects. There you will find the start of another blog about my newest project (with links to pictures and such). Eventually we'll have a real website for the coffee house, but for now we'll just use the blog. The next few weeks will be pretty intense, hopefully it will generate some good stuff to talk about. However, it will be good ole Go Elvis! that reminds me to take time to get my running in (or some form of taking care of myself)... which I will do right now, and go to bed.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Post number 200!!!

Wow, 200 posts and about a month away from a year on this blog. It is hard to believe. In the next month I look forward to back tracking a little bit... reading over some of the early posts, and soaking it in. It was around this time last year that the damn started to show signs of stress. There were already small leaks, and the pressure of the pain and grief was beginning to punch holes in my wall. I can look back and see that now, but at the time I really had no idea how damaged I was. Well, perhaps I did, but chose to deal with it in poor ways... such as sticking fingers in holes... rather than punching more holes for the pressure to ease. That is what running did for me over the past 200 posts, but it was also the action of writing about it. That allowed much of that pressure to be released in a healthy way. Knowing that there was a handful of people on the other side that cared enough about that process to check in and read it every once in awhile... means more than you will ever know.

I now can see that I am in the process of taking down the damn all together. Time to let my life flow in a natural way... no longer damned up by grief and fear. Sometimes I wish to just blow it up and let the flood wash everything new, but I think there is also something to be said for taking it apart piece by piece. Allowing my life to adjust with the process, and perhaps understanding why the damn was built in the first place. I know that I am not the last person that is going to go through troubled times of grief... I want to be able to recognize when someone is at that bursting point. And then have the strength and understanding to support them as they let the waters break through the walls they have built. We all have those walls. Grief comes in many forms and from many areas of our life. Just watch the evening news... you can't help but absorb some grief of the world. That gets carried around. Being rejected by a loved one or loss in any form can cause grief, and that grief in itself is not evil. However, our society at the moment does a very poor job of giving people the tools to work through that grief. Thus, we have a world walking in grief. For those of you reading this... please know that I am committing myself to walk with that world, and give support in what ever way is called upon of my talents and skills.

Thank you for walking with me.

Today: 0 miles (so far)
Week: 10 miles (got 4 in yesterday)

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Cozy 42 degrees

The sun came out and warmed it up to a blistering 42 degrees, and I jumped at the chance to get out and enjoy it. It was a short run, because we are doing more painting today. However, it felt great to get the legs moving... and pretty much no noise from my knee.

We are finally at a point where we are ready to be a little more public with the latest project. I will put some more info up on my next post... post number 200 for old Go Elvis!

Today: 3 miles
Week: 6 miles

Sunday, October 15, 2006


It was almost a good start to my running week... but not quite. I launched out into the warm autumn air, and my feet were flyin! It was one of those days were you look out and expect it to be cold, and then the first air hits you... not cold at all. Which then makes it seem warm (even if it really isn't). Those "flyin" feet didn't last long. In fact, they had no business flyin at all. So about 13 min in... my knee was yelling at me to knock it off. I think my body is still very tight from the 30 hours of car. At one point I thought I might actually get a decent run in (more than my standard 3 miles), but it was not going to be today. Hopefully I at least loosened things up to get some good runs in this week... we'll see.

Today: 3 miles
Week: 3 miles

Saturday, October 14, 2006

On the Road Again... and then Some!!!

Well, I am happy to report that yesterday started off with a run (in Vallejo)... and ended a day and a half later in Iowa. 33 hours on the road (there were 3 of us, not just me)... and it is time for some sleep. I knew that the weather was going to be cold in Iowa, but I wasn't really prepared for what that was going to feel like... Geeeez!!! I will write more tomorrow... and may even bundle up for a run.

Today: 0
Week: 3 miles

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Well, obviously not much running is being done... my days have been pretty darn jam packed (with great stuff). I have had some thoughts rambling around in my head that I want to get down, but it is once again too late. So, perhaps tomorrow, but I did want to put a post up saying I am still alive... and thinking about my next run (maybe tomorrow morning)... and also thinking about everyone else's running... and more importantly good ole life in general. I hope yours is well.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Best of Both

Today was the best of both worlds... we actually had rain the past two days (first rain of the season...) and it was chilly and grey until about 5pm today. So, that meant perfect weather to get a good afternoon nap in, and then wake up and have the clouds break for a beautiful run. Very nice!!!

The weather was putting on a show... my body on the other hand was not. My left knee wasn't happy, it has been a while...

Today: 3 miles
Week: 7 miles

Monday, October 02, 2006


Went out for an afternoon run today... it was perfect out. The sun had finally broke through and started warming things up, and off I went. You can feel the beginnings of fall creeping in here. The air is different. I love it.

Today: 4 miles
Week: 4 miles

How is everyones training going? Obviously mine isn't very consistant ;-) Anyone got any races coming up?