Sunday, October 15, 2006


It was almost a good start to my running week... but not quite. I launched out into the warm autumn air, and my feet were flyin! It was one of those days were you look out and expect it to be cold, and then the first air hits you... not cold at all. Which then makes it seem warm (even if it really isn't). Those "flyin" feet didn't last long. In fact, they had no business flyin at all. So about 13 min in... my knee was yelling at me to knock it off. I think my body is still very tight from the 30 hours of car. At one point I thought I might actually get a decent run in (more than my standard 3 miles), but it was not going to be today. Hopefully I at least loosened things up to get some good runs in this week... we'll see.

Today: 3 miles
Week: 3 miles


Anonymous said...

Hey Micah, this is off topic but i have a question for you. You know the blue sport hills u used to have. You gave them to joe chappell and joe gave them to me. Well they are great but i want another pair. Where can i order a pair of those. On the pants says Eugene Oregon. Is that where its based. Anyway, i havnt poseted in awhile but i been reading. My training is going AWESOME finally after a summer long of base work im hitting some solid workouts to get ready for indoors. I hope to race a bit and then race more outdoors. Anyway hope things are going well


TreeBed said...

Not off topic at all... in fact I was upset today because I left mine at home, and I needed them to get my butt out the door today (it is supposed to snow tomorrow). You can check out the Sporthill website or shoot Beetle an e-mail and see if he has Sporthill in yet and make a purchase from Southern Sole ;-)

Keep up that training and let us all know how it progresses.