Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Well, this is my second attempt at this post... I wrote quite the eloquent description of my run this morning... and then it disappeared into computer nothingness. I am now at work, and not sure I am up to recreating such a stroke of literary genius (ok, maybe not, but I sure thought it captured my run). I guess the main point of what I wrote was that I was fortunate enough to be present to my run this morning, and really enjoy it. To pay attention to all the details of how I was feeling, and how that fit into the larger context of my life. I passed an older man walking his dog and he said, "great day for a run." I blurted out, "its beautiful!" I am sure he must of had some runs under his belt to recognize the beauty of this cool cloudy day as prime running weather... that lead me to thinking about all my wonderful running connections, and all the amazing people that I have run with over the years. Mostly I was thankful today to have a life that allows me to take such pleasure in something as simple as a run.

Today: 4 miles
Week: 7 miles

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Whats This?

Two days of running in a row... and three runs in a weeks time? Wow. You bet I am going to take advantage of the warm (well, warmer) weather, and get my butt out there. Today I drove to the park and got 3 miles of grass running in... doesn't get much better (maybe my NW trees and dirt) than running on a nice wide grass trail through the woods. I am happy to report that I have swung out of my blahs, running is still some of the most potent medicine for me. I am hoping that I can keep getting a few runs in over the next week or so... until I get back to the more friendly (yes, I am wuss now ;-) winter running weather of CA. I was starting to feel the lack of fitness, and the build up of stress (no matter how well things are going, starting a business is a little stressful) kicking my butt. I would like to exceed the build up of miles that I had at this time last year and go into the spring actually in shape (sorta, kinda shape at least). Still have a marathon on my mind for sometime next year.

Today: 3 miles
Week: 3 miles

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Heat Wave!!!

54 degrees at the moment... awww yes, I have been in Iowa too long when I am excited about a high that is probably equal to the low in CA. Oh well, I will take it. I had a very enjoyable run in T-shirt and gloves this morning. Even though these runs are anything but routine... it still feels very good to get out and get them in. There is also something extraordinary about getting these beautiful days after a cold snap. I must admit that Vallejo weather is nice more often than not (by a long ways), and I begin to sort of count on it. But to get out and enjoy an exception to the December Midwest norm... is a special thing.

Today: 4 miles
Week: 7 miles

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


I finally got my first cold (27 degrees) weather run in. As usual my first run in a while so my knee was bugging me half way in and it had to be a run/walk sort of thing. The main thing is that I got out and did it. I needed to. I am hoping to counter act a little slide into the blahs. It is supposed to go colder again so I am not sure if I will be able to get back out for a bit... I am getting old and wimpy. All those days I didn't run during my California winters... I guess it is good to see the other side.

Today: 3ish miles
Week: 3ish miles