Saturday, December 31, 2005

Got it Done!

I am happy to say that I got it done... I was 1 mile short, but I can deal with that. Two days ago I wasn't motivated to make it happen. I was ready to blow it off, and rationalize it down to not being that big of deal. However, it was a big deal in terms of making a statement to myself. So, I am happy to report that I am still on track...

Happy New Years to all!!! I hope you are all safe and having a great time. Here is to quality running (and lots of other stuff) in 2006.

Today: 4 miles
Week: 20 miles

Friday, December 30, 2005

Half Way There...

Alright... I am half way there. I got 6 miles in today. My longest run in almost 4 years, and over half of what I need to get to my goal for the week. It was a cold and rainy run, but nice to do a run that I have done a million times.

Today: 6 miles
Week: 16 miles

It Has Arrived...

I knew there would come a point in this journey where I was going to have to decide whether to "get it done" or "blow it off"... That point has come. Up until now the mileage goals were low enough that I could run when it was convenient and still hit the goal. This week there is no convenient time to run, so I have to make it happen. I want this to remain fun, so if I don't hit my goals it wouldn't be the end of the world... However, part of the bigger picture is to reintroduce discipline, and give myself a working model of accomplishment to allow the rest of my life to follow. Meaning, if I am going to ever get anything done in this life, I need to start creating some follow through.

So here it is... This is Week 5, meaning I need to get 21 miles in this week. I got 3 in yesterday (one of my faster runs), that puts me at 10 for the week. I don't like the idea of putting in 11 miles in 2 days (one of my goals is to keep the progression as smooth as possible, and that is a bit of a jump). However, I know it is very doable and just requires me to buck up and get it done... Thus, the fork in my running trail... We'll see what happens...

Today: 0 (so far)
Week: 10 miles

P.S. I am in Vancouver (WA) so if anyone around these parts wants to go for a run, let me know. My phone is in two pieces (not that I answer it much anyway, but now it is impossible... I am checking messages though).

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Running in the Park

Today was a really nice run in Golden Gate Park. It was cool and misty, and lots of people out (this added a nice energy). Can't add much more than that, must hit the hay for an early wake up!

Today: 4 miles
Week: 7 miles

Monday, December 26, 2005


Quick and dirty 3 miles.

Today: 3 miles
Week: 3 miles

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas

Just a quick note to say Merry Christmas to all of you... I hope that your holiday season is treating you well (whatever you might be doing). It will be a pleasant day of family and food on my end. I wish you all well!!!

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Against the Odds...

Against the Odds...
Against the Odds...,
originally uploaded by TreeBed.
Let me set the scene... we more or less started the day at Tadich Grill. This was a meal that started with bloody marys and didn't look back. There was a table full of awesome seafood, and we all left happy. We were not exactly in a proper state to run. However, with the determination and dedication of true distance runners (ok, I had to try) we put on our shoes (beetle braved running in his Nike Frees- I am to blame if he ends up with a stress fracture) and got out the door. I am happy to report that the 3 miles went well, and my rest week came to a close.

Today: 3 miles
Week: 10 miles
HRM: 153 avg/ 164 max

Thursday, December 22, 2005

First Organized Run

Last week when Chris was here he pointed me towards a "trail race" over on Angel Island (8k) on Jan. 14th... I am happy to say that I am now signed up for my first "organized run" (can't quite call it a race yet). It should be about perfect for a first run. The runs are set up not to be real competitive, with an emphasis on enjoying a good run on trails with other people. I also saw that there is another one later in the year. So it will be good to run it now, and then see how it compares later (when I am hopefully in shape).

I realize this race isn't very far away, but all are invited (and for those far away you always have a place to stay). I will get on the ball and give a little more notice for the next "organized run". Hopefully we can get some people together every once in a while for a run. Whether you are far or near, I will post it (I am open to suggestion too) and whoever shows up, shows up.

Let the Holidays Begin

Ok, the holidays are in full swing already I suppose, but now that my family has arrived it actually feels like the holidays. The weather on the other hand... well, I over heated wearing shorts and a dri-fit shirt. It rained a ton today, but it was warm, no wind... perfect running! I felt pretty darn good. That energy you feel after some rest was in my legs today. I certainly still don't have anything in the tank to back up that feeling, but I could feel it (and that means things are working). All in all it was a good run.

Just to note for my own documentation, I could feel the outside of my left knee talking to me. My guess would be a tight IT band (been doing lots of driving the past two days... also not stretching the way I need to). Something to watch.

Today: 4 miles +
Week: 7 miles +
HRM: 153 avg/ 168 max
W (weights)

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

A Run is a Run...

Sometimes a run is just a run... I got my 3 miles in this morning, and that was that. Nothing special. I think that is a good thing... the fact that getting out the door for a run is becoming sort of normal again. Perhaps I am doing it!

Today: 3 miles
Week: 3 miles

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Rest Week

I am starting my "Rest Week" out with a rest day... Instead of a run, a little reflection. I have 3 weeks of my plan under my belt, and feel pretty good about where I am at. I didn't quite reach my goal the 2nd week, but was close enough to consider the first 3 weeks to be right on schedule. Thus starts week 4. As I said, this is a "rest week"... the rest is to allow my muscles that I have been breaking down the past few weeks, to rebuild (better than ever). It is kind of like letting your fitness catch up to you. Also, in case there are any injuries brewing... the idea is to let your body get a foot hold before going back to work. It should work out nicely with the holiday craziness that will be in full swing this week to use my few runs as stress breaks.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Running with Company

Finished off my week right on target... that felt good. Chris and Joanna are in town so it was nice to have someone to run with (it goes by so much quicker). My DSL is down so it will be a short post. That will give you time to sift through the novel I wrote yesterday ;-)

Today: 4 miles
Week: 18 miles (Right On!)

Friday, December 16, 2005

A Little Shaky: Part 3

I have learned over the past week or so that I am buried in my own pain. My fathers death was so long on the horizon that I was able to bury many years of pain associated with that. In fact, the last few years (when it was most in my face) I began to just shut out much of the world, because emotionally I could not take in any more (good or bad). When the day finally came (and he was gone)... there was very little pain. I saw it as a freeing of everyone involved. However, there was pain, but instead of it coming from outside, it was packed deep inside. Packed tight and tension filled. That tension has tightened my entire body, I think my jaw has been clinched for over 2 years now (I have to constantly remind myself to relax it), my shoulders carry it, my stomach... it has consumed my body. There were small releases, tiny quakes if you will... just waiting for "the big one" where it could all come spilling out, the pain of so many years rumbling to the surface. I am not sure if that has happened, but enough so that I am once again disoriented by my own demons. I am not exactly sure why I am sharing this, but I feel like it has to get out some how. You all have been so helpful in getting me back on the running horse, and so I will continue to have faith in the power of community. This eruption of pain has knocked me down a bit. I felt like I was doing so good, the running, trying to be better to myself... However, that has become really hard. I'm trying my best to remain aware and present to my pain... to work with it, understand it, but is so hard to break the habits of just wanting to bury it. As I said earlier, we often dream of the end result (the plaque, the title/job, the happy-ever-after), but rarely do we sit and dream about the every day little things that will get us there. When my dad was gone I dreamed of a healthy, free existence with that major life event behind me. I had the world at my fingertips... anything I wanted to do was possible. I didn't dream about the steps I needed to take to get to healthy and free. I tried to skip that part... the "journey" part... the important part.

And then, just when I think I am doing it all wrong, and so far off... I sit, breath, and think about the fact that I ran 5 miles today. The longest training run I have done in 3 years. Part of our journey is choosing to recognize it while it is going on. That is when we can make choices to change it, enjoy it, be present to it. So, yes, life hurts right now, but that is where my journey is... I am still moving forward. I choose to concentrate on that today.

Today: 5 miles (longest run in 3 years)
Week: 14 miles

A Little Shaky: Part 2

One example of my journey being more valuable than the end result is my Senior year of cross-country at Graceland. During my Junior year I came to the end of my running rope while on holiday break. I simply couldn't train... physically, mentally, I was spent. So I decided to red-shirt my track seasons, rest and then train for my last XC season. During this time I took a few months off completely. Concentrating on re-charging and mentally preparing for my most ambitious training plan to that point in my running career. My goal was to be an All-American at the national meet. It began around March, much the same way as my current plan, and took me up to a point of running 90+ miles a week for most of the summer (about 9 consecutive weeks). It started slowly, feeling like the low mileage at the beginning was too easy... but it was part of a plan... a journey. Each step built on the last one, and all of a sudden I was in the best shape of my life. I was doing it. There were different struggles and adjustments that I had to make along the way, always leading to more knowledge about my running and myself. It took a great deal of commitment, discipline, and sacrifice to make it happen. However, towards the end of the summer I felt machine like, and I loved it! I finally was running to the potential that I knew was inside me. What an amazing feeling... to be doing something at your full potential. To lay out a plan and then execute that plan almost to the mile... felt great.

Then a hill workout, after a cross-country drive, and a little lacks on some of those details that I paid so much attention to... added up to a pull in my hamstring. Urgh! Two weeks before the season was supposed to start and all of a sudden I was limping around unable to get any of the strength out of my legs that I put so much effort into building up. Needless to say it was a rough season of ups and downs, trying to be patient, and ultimately being hugely frustrated by the fact that I couldn't use all that was stored up inside.

Was the "potential" what I did over the summer, or the getting that All-American plaque? Perhaps a bit of both. The point is that even though I could not use the training that I had put in over the summer to attain my goal... I ended up seeing that I learned so much along the way, and enjoyed the journey enough (just knowing that I was training at my potential) that the end goal became less important. Don't get me wrong... I would love to have that plaque, but I know in my heart that if a few things would have gone a different way... I could have done it. No one can ever take that away from me. I have called on that experience many times since then. When I think about what I am capable of, and what I need to do to get there... I often look to that journey. As now when I don't feel like I can dig myself out of the hole I am in... rest, make a plan, then execute that plan.

A Little Shaky: Part 1

After an early trip to the airport (yes, I do this often), breakfast, then going back to sleep... I was shaken out of bed by an earthquake. Well, it didn't exactly get me out of bed, but it was an interesting way to re-start my day.

Today I have been thinking about how they always tell you, "It is about the journey, and not the destination." And looking back over my life, for the most part I would agree... then why is it always so damn hard to remember. It is one of those concepts I have to continually remind myself about. It is so much easier to just sit around and dream about the end result, or focus so hard on getting there that you forget to enjoy the process (the small details). Almost all of my thought process has been about, "when my life starts up again, when I feel better, when my pain dissipates"... very little energy has gone into daily steps to make that happen. I have a plan to get back in shape, where is my "Life Plan"? Not from the stand point of, "Where will my life end up?", but instead, "If I were going to shoot for something in my life, how would I do that, and what might I find along the way?" All my life I have been full of big ideas... and very little follow through. Where will I find the follow through to put my life back into a place where I am at peace with both the journey and the destination I am headed to (even if I never get there)? Guess that is why this post has 3 parts...

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Back in Vallejo

An easy 3 around Vallejo today. Nothing exciting. It is nice to be home after all the traveling... except all that cleaning I have to do around the house before the holidays.

Today: 3 miles
Week: 9 miles

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


The title was my reaction to getting my run in yesterday... I was a bit skeptical of it happening. Especially after having a 1/2 pound cheeseburger... fries and a pint for lunch. It was such a beautiful day, and there really was no excuse for not getting it done. However, that has been the fight for the past 3 years. It was getting dark and I just happened to spot a trail off the road. So, I pulled into the parking lot (this was at the mall of all places in Blue Springs), did the quick change (I am a little rusty at the old "change in the car" routine). Then off I went with the last gasps of sun in the west and a healthy moon over head. It was getting colder, but still felt good (and I was in shorts). The air crisp and cool in the lungs, not harsh at all... and to my delight the trail turned out to be crushed limestone (my favorite), meandering through the trees and next to a small (mostly frozen) stream. I was energized by the simple fact that I was out at all, but also felt the energy of many past runs filling me up. I thought about the comments posted during the day (that was the kick in the butt that helped it happen), and what a cool thing it was to have community. So, thank you for your help yesterday, and the trickle over into this morning (yup, already got my run in today). I will be traveling the rest of the day... ugh! But it will be nice knowing I am right on schedule for the week.

Today: 3 miles
Week: 6 miles

Monday, December 12, 2005

On the Go

I am remembering how hard it was to get my runs in when I was traveling. I intentionally took yesterday off, rest my legs (they felt a little beat after running on the slippery slush) and my blogger brain. Today, is a beautiful day in Lamoni, but I am heading down to Kansas City and the timing just won't work for a run before I go... then who knows how the timing will play out once I get down there. I realize that is where discipline comes in, but it sure has been a long time since I was disciplined about anything. Once again a chance to change my world habits by working on my running habits. We'll see how I do today.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Grey, Cold, Brown

Sounds nice huh? This mornings run was most certainly all of those things. The first mile up-hill into the wind... just about killed me off. That damn wind! I was never a fan of that wind, and that hasn't changed. However, once I turned the corner and got the wind at my back, things were much better. The colors did make me think about how the hills in the bay area are beginning to turn green. They are at that "fuzzy" green stage... where the new grass is just breaking through. From far away you can't quite focus on it, but you can tell that the change is coming. I do enjoy that energy.

Today was a good test of pushing through. I am not a big morning run person, and I could have been just as happy staying in bed. However, I knew the run needed to happen to keep this rolling... so I did it. It hurt, it was ugly, but I did it. I can feel good about that.

Tonight I will be playing a concert with Chad Elliott at Cheville Chapel on the Graceland University campus (@ 7pm). "Musician" is one of my paying jobs right now (meaning I pay to do it). I am still new to the whole thing... lots of learning to do. Looking forward to a relaxing evening of music though.

Today: 4 miles
Week: 14 miles (a shade under goal)
HRM: To cold to care...

Friday, December 09, 2005


I love travel days... one of these days I will be on top of things and travel days will be a breeze... until then, sarcasm. I am now in good old Lamoni , NOT warm. Of course I knew that it would be cold, but you sort of forget HOW cold it really is. I had delusions of doing a brisk, winter night run after arriving tonight, but that was a silly idea. If I ran tonight it would be hazardous to my health... once upon a time I would have been out there (if needed). Tonight my California lungs would freeze up and shatter. So, tomorrows run will be a little longer than I would want, but it should be ok.

Lamoni is actually a good place to be as I make this comeback. This land is filled with both running and life stories around every corner. It is those stories that feed my desire to comeback at all... with my fitness and my life. Not all the memories are good, but each one helped put me where I am right now: Sitting in a coffee house in Iowa, with the touch of my hand all around me (I helped start this coffee house a few years back). Preparing to play a concert tomorrow. It all seems a bit strange.

I am not sure what I hope for while running on the gravel roads with those ghosts, but for the next few days they will be my running companions. I will think about different great runs, runners, and friends that I have known here. Perhaps we will stumble upon a new direction. Maybe that is the hope. That the power in old memories is to allow us to take new steps forward...

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Heart Rate Monitored

First run down with an actual time and my HRM info. The good thing about having a watch is that you know exactly how long you have been running for... the bad thing is... you know EXACTLY how long you have been running for. Maybe it was better when I was just guessing. No, it is good to know, but I did catch myself looking at my wrist a bit too often, and thinking "what?!, I know I have been out longer than that..." Pretty sad when we are talking about a 20 min run. Oh well, I just have to get used to it again. I did notice when I looked down and saw the watch I felt more like my running self. Those little things that identify you as "a runner"... like the short shorts, the running watch, wearing the running gear when you aren't actually running. So it felt good that I have tacked on another running badge. Little by little I am bringing myself back into that world.

Looks like the time trial will have to wait until next week. The last thing I want this "comeback" to do is stress me out. So, we'll find out how out of shape I am soon enough. For now, I have a bunch of stuff to do before heading to Lamoni for the weekend.

Today: 3 miles
Week: 8 miles
HRM: 160 avg - 174 max

No More Naked Wrist

Well, after some trials and tribulations... I finally have a watch on my wrist, for the first time since I stopped running. I decided to go the route of the Heart Rate Monitor (HRM) again. By no means would I say that a HRM is a necessary piece of running equipment. However, if you are a sort of a gadget person (I admittedly am), and like all the info you can get your hands on when it comes to your training... then a HRM could be right up your ally. I figured since I have quite a bit of heart rate data from old running logs (from when I was in really good shape), it might be interesting to compare how things are progressing now.

I went with the Polar S120 It doesn't have all the calorie stuff, or some of the other bells and whistles (mostly to do with weight control and tailoring your fitness plan). My main concerns were: heart rate monitoring (imagine that), splits, and it not being too big (I don't have a lot of wrist real estate)... oh and not spending a million dollars. I had a Polar before and was happy with it, and was happy to be a repeat buyer. Really my only issue with it (granted I haven't used it yet) is that it is a little bigger than I would like, but I think it will be fine. I brought another model home yesterday. It was a bit smaller, more expensive, and had the soft chest strap. However, when I looked up the specs, it didn't do splits. So back to REI today for a quick exchange. Even though I had to give up the soft chest strap with the less expensive model, it still is more comfortable than the old one I had. I will keep you posted on how it treats me. First test coming up soon.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

No Time Trial Today...

Lots of excuses... I will spare you from listening to any of them. Luckily when you are only running 15 miles in a week, you can have a day of excuses. Part of the problem was that to do a "time" trial... you have to have a time-keeping device. More on that tomorrow.

Wednesday Weigh In #2 - 141.5 lbs.

So, that is down a half a pound from last week... not exactly what I was looking for. Although not that surprising. It hasn't been enough time to really build any muscle up (I have been burning more calories than usual), and I haven't been doing very good with my goals of eating better or more water intake. I imagine it will be another week or so before I start to see any noticeable physical changes. Still... 141, seems a little ridiculous. More water. Better Food. (my new mantra)

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

A Little Blah

The hilly run yesterday, plus weights... oh, and not really preparing for my runs very well yet (drinking enough water, watching how close meals are to run time, etc.)... all added up to a sluggish run today. On the other hand, I did it. Part of it was the fact that I ran from my front door. As I said a few posts earlier, I don't gain much energy during a run when it is on side walks and city streets. However, if I am going to get up to my 30 miles a week goal, then I am going to have do some of that.

I think tomorrow I am going to do my 2 mile time trial... yes, let us find out just how ugly it has become. I partly want to see where I am at now in relation to where I have been, and also where I hopefully will be in a few months. A 2-mile time trial will provide a decent bench mark to help quantify my fitness level for all you out there who don't get to see how ugly my 20 min easy runs are. Why 2-miles? Well, cause I could fake a mile... after a certain amount of running in your past, your mind can make your body do things it really should NOT do. I can't fake a 2-mile (well, and be able to walk for the next month). So, something to look forward to tomorrow... I am already sort of nervous. It is going to hurt ;-)

Today: 3 miles
Week: 5 miles

Comeback to Life

I have realized over the past few days that this running "comeback", is really a coming "back to life" for me. In many ways it mirrors my struggle to re-enter a healthy day to day exchange with my world. I have spent a great deal of time thinking about my dad the past few days (my father passed away about a year and a half ago), and done some reflecting on where I am with my grieving process. Just as my body became out of shape the past 3 years... my heart and mind also fell out of shape. When my dad began to deteriorate, I shut down how I interacted with the world. Part of running again is a desire to take care of myself again (not something I was concerned with for sometime). That is what made me acknowledge the bigger picture of me taking steps to move forward with my whole life, and not simply my fitness level. I wasn't sure if I was going to share this part of my process. However, I got an e-mail from a friend sharing his experience, and it touched me... one thing he said is "running is part of who we are". Running is a part of who I am... not as an action, but as a metaphor and an experience. If you look at how I approach my running, you will see keys to how I approach nearly everything else in my life. I am going to use that knowledge, and translate that to help put my "life" back to "who I want to be". I guess I am sharing this to inform you that this is a turning point for the little adventure known as Go Elvis! I have only been doing this for a couple of weeks, but it has already been so valuable for me... thank you for joining in. Your comments and encouragement have meant a great deal, and I hope we can continue to share something authentic here. Take care of yourselves, and I will continue to do the same.

Monday, December 05, 2005

2 Miles

I am coming to the end of 2 mile runs being acceptable for me... However, today it did the trick. It was a hilly two mile loop, but once at the top it was a spectacular view of the marshes around Suisun City. About the only thing else of consequence on the run itself was that I peed on my shoe (Yes, those are the details you will find nowhere else folks). I would like to hold the "view" at the top responsible for this lack of aim... but sometimes you just have to take responsibility for your actions.

I did have some other insights while on my run that I will write down later... for now, it is off to do a short weights session, and hit the shower (maybe wash my shoe).

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Something About Trails...

Today my run was done over in Marin, at China Camp State Park. It was another crisp and clear day (thankfully, since I gambled by not taking advantage yesterday), and the trails out there were in perfect condition. It doesn't get much better than a nice dirt trail that is damp from recent rain... not soggy and sloppy, but softened just a bit and no dust. It was the kind of run where you were the perfect temp in the sun, and could feel the slightest chill when you wandered under the cover of the trees. I had been out there once about 5 years ago when my dad first moved down here. It was nice to think back to that time... a bit sad, but good to remember a time when everyone was smiling and healthy. It made me feel blessed to be out on such a gorgeous day running again. I am a different runner when I get on a trail. I'm not exactly sure what gets transformed, but I am fed by it... in a way not usually present when pounding the pavement. I will admit that I was going too fast for my own good, but it felt healthy to push past comfortable. 3 miles is a distance you can still do that and come out ok, even better for it. So, 3 miles to end my week right on target (a pinch over). That is something that running again adds to my life. No matter what else happened this week, things not accomplished, or lost, or beaten up by... I did this, for me. A good thing for myself. When I am not running I don't always have that one thing to hold onto. It isn't much, but it is often the small rituals that we do for ourselves (the healthy ones... mostly) that keep all the other craziness in check. Remove that one tiny gear, and the whole system could be out of whack. That is something I took for granted in my competitive days. By stepping away from running and then coming back to it, I can now see that benefit very clearly.

Today: 3 miles
Week: 12+ miles

Friday, December 02, 2005

Beautiful Breakfast

Beautiful Breakfast
Beautiful Breakfast,
originally uploaded by TreeBed.
Today is a new day... and my brother talked me into getting up and going into the city with him (he does this everyday... me on the other hand, 6am, not so much). However, he assured me it would be worth it, and I must say he was right. First off, for a morning commute, riding across the San Francisco Bay at sunrise is not a bad way to go. Then we had a delicious breakfast at a very cool little French place in the SF Ferry Building. Everything was very fresh, and the attention to detail (in the whole place) was right up my ally. After that, I walked him to work, and wandered the city for the rest of the morning... this will probably be my activity for the day. It is so perfect out though, everything feel washed clean after yesterdays storms... I still may do my run today. It is nice to be able to have the option. When I finally get up around 30 miles a week it won't always be like that.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Stormy Day

I woke up to a stormy day... rain (lots of rain), wind, I even heard thunder. My world woke up stormy as well. So when I went out for my run it seemed like a natural extension of my life. It was comforting. One of the reasons I started running again is because it has always been self-medicating to me. It helps keep my deamons in check. It doesn't change the situations in my life, but it does allow me feel able (and willing) to deal. So, with my run under my belt... I will take on the rest of the day. I wish you all luck in doing the same.

Today: 2+ miles (not really sure, could have been 3)
Week: 9+ miles

P.S. The spell checker doesn't seem to want to work... so you will just have to deal with my spelling today, sorry.