Friday, December 09, 2005


I love travel days... one of these days I will be on top of things and travel days will be a breeze... until then, sarcasm. I am now in good old Lamoni , NOT warm. Of course I knew that it would be cold, but you sort of forget HOW cold it really is. I had delusions of doing a brisk, winter night run after arriving tonight, but that was a silly idea. If I ran tonight it would be hazardous to my health... once upon a time I would have been out there (if needed). Tonight my California lungs would freeze up and shatter. So, tomorrows run will be a little longer than I would want, but it should be ok.

Lamoni is actually a good place to be as I make this comeback. This land is filled with both running and life stories around every corner. It is those stories that feed my desire to comeback at all... with my fitness and my life. Not all the memories are good, but each one helped put me where I am right now: Sitting in a coffee house in Iowa, with the touch of my hand all around me (I helped start this coffee house a few years back). Preparing to play a concert tomorrow. It all seems a bit strange.

I am not sure what I hope for while running on the gravel roads with those ghosts, but for the next few days they will be my running companions. I will think about different great runs, runners, and friends that I have known here. Perhaps we will stumble upon a new direction. Maybe that is the hope. That the power in old memories is to allow us to take new steps forward...


Anonymous said...

Yeah Burrrr is right. The funny thing is you came in and ran on the warmest day we have had around here. The highs for the past week has been in the teens, with that nice midwestern wind.
Anyways i didnt know you were going to be around. Did you drive out or Fly, we couldn't meet up the last time you were out so next time you will have to let me know, I will make the drive over some time. I have been planning on going back that way but have never had a good reason.
Its good to see you are running again, and this should help keep it going. And forget Scime's idea of running on the indoor track, as much as he liked that thing, i probably hated it even more. Enjoy your time in Lamoni.


TreeBed said...

Yeah, I might have to go say hello to the old indoor blue... but I will leave the running on it to someone else ;-) I will be back out in the Spring for sure (if not before). And I am thinking we might have to organize a run or something. Maybe get a group together to go watch the Drake Relays (depending on the timing of things). Regarless, I will be planning a little better, and the trip won't be so last minute/thrown together (well, that is the goal). Thanks for posting guys... it really does help me keep going!