Saturday, December 10, 2005

Grey, Cold, Brown

Sounds nice huh? This mornings run was most certainly all of those things. The first mile up-hill into the wind... just about killed me off. That damn wind! I was never a fan of that wind, and that hasn't changed. However, once I turned the corner and got the wind at my back, things were much better. The colors did make me think about how the hills in the bay area are beginning to turn green. They are at that "fuzzy" green stage... where the new grass is just breaking through. From far away you can't quite focus on it, but you can tell that the change is coming. I do enjoy that energy.

Today was a good test of pushing through. I am not a big morning run person, and I could have been just as happy staying in bed. However, I knew the run needed to happen to keep this rolling... so I did it. It hurt, it was ugly, but I did it. I can feel good about that.

Tonight I will be playing a concert with Chad Elliott at Cheville Chapel on the Graceland University campus (@ 7pm). "Musician" is one of my paying jobs right now (meaning I pay to do it). I am still new to the whole thing... lots of learning to do. Looking forward to a relaxing evening of music though.

Today: 4 miles
Week: 14 miles (a shade under goal)
HRM: To cold to care...

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