Sunday, April 29, 2007

Quicky 2

Another short one... which is good, but I will say it has been harder to get back into this than I thought it would be. I have my work cut out for me. More on this soon.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Got a nice short run in today... ran a little to quick for my own good probably. The knee was good til I started to push a bit. However, I got a little stretching in... and can feel things loosening up a bit.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Mission Acomplished

Ok, got my 3 runs in last week... basically learned that I am starting from scratch. Well, maybe not quite as bad as last time, but I am in pretty bad shape. However, because of the work that I put in last year... I know I will progress a bit quicker (which is a helpful thought). Knee is feeling a little better (beginning to stretch out a bit), but I am going to have to baby it for a while. Weather is coming around, better get going before it gets hot (I think that is worse than the cold to me... well, not worse than the -10s and such). Time to make a plan.

Why? Why not just enjoy getting out the door everyday, or every other day... hmmm (thinks to self). I suppose that is just not in my blood. Maybe it should be, but I have never been able to leave it at that. I know I need to have times where that is the focus (like last week, and maybe for a few more weeks...). However, running has always been a tool for me, and you use a tool for a purpose. Right now that purpose is to re-gain discipline in my life. To push myself out of my comfort zones again... absorb the positive things that running brings to my life. So... got to go to the drawing board and figure out the best (most intentional) way to do that.

That is the goal this week... get 3 or more runs in, and make a plan.

Friday, April 13, 2007


Got my second run in today. I did get an intentional walk in yesterday... however, part of my deal was to go through the process of getting the running clothes on, shoes... and running. So, a walk didn't count ;-)

Just got done with a Shaky Tree (see TreeBed Projects link... to lazy to embed one) Open Mic... and open in the morning... so, off to bed.

Today: ran
Week: 2 down... one to go.

Monday, April 09, 2007


Originally uploaded by TreeBed.
Although I have not got a run in since declaring that I am getting back on the running path... I have been thinking a lot about what that might mean. I am back in IA and I needed to get organized before starting to give energy to running. Oh, and then there was that bit about it being 12 degrees (without factoring in the 20-30 mile an hour winds).

However, today it hit 40s, and I had everything under control... it was time to get out and get started. My goal for this week is to just get out the door 3 times and run. Doesn't matter how far, fast or even consistent the run is. Just run. Enjoy. Stretch a bit. During those runs (and in between) I am going to think a bit about what I think I can tackle for my training, and begin to form a plan. Look for that soon.

It was a beautiful (muddy) run today... saw some brilliant white tailed dear (one in the middle of the path that just stared at me until I got about 30 feet away), several birds, a beaver (also checking me out)... and lots of signs that spring is on the way.

Today: 2 miles
Week: 2 miles

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Run Again

I have been working on building mental and physical energy to get the running on track again... today, I actually got out on a run. My legs aren't quite up to the task yet. Hopefully a few short runs, and some decent stretching will help get things worked out.

Last year I used my running to help bring my life out of the darkness and haze of grief I was held up in. I can now look back and see that time as my Road of Ashes. This reference comes from a book called Iron John by Robert Bly, a book I have been reading for a while now (I'm kind of slow). As I read this book it seems like I am now entering a time where I may need to use my running to help develop my "warrior" self. The part of me that can carve out the environment for my soul to take the next step in the journey. The "warrior" that I speak of is not the warrior we know today (armies, terrorist, etc.) this is the mythical warrior, a state of being that is only one part of a person's (Iron John speaks directly to men) path to a fully developed self.

How will running help me in this matter... well, running was the last time I had a "warrior" self. A time when I was highly focused, committed, and disciplined, the last time in my life where I fiercely defended myself to achieve my goals. So, it is my hope that I can use the small steps of getting my running back in gear... as a teaching tool, and road map to getting my deeper self back in gear. We'll see how it goes. I'll keep you posted...

Today: 2ish miles
Week: the same

Friday, March 30, 2007

Life. Stuff. Spring.

Ok... this has been a really lousy blog as of late... my apologies if you have been checking in. However, if you have... then won't this be a great surprise ;-) I had all intentions of getting a run in today, but it doesn't seem to be working out. I did get a few miles of walking in this morning and that might have to count for today. Tomorrow it WILL happen though!!! Spring has arrived (even in Iowa, or so I hear), and I need to add the running component back into the mix of my life. Life in 2007 has been pretty crazy so far... I can feel energy awakening this Spring that I haven't had access too in a long time. That is exciting. Now the trick will be to harness that energy in an efficient way. At the moment it is shooting in every direction at once. I think the running will help with this. When you get into a routine with running, it adds some order to your life... no matter how chaotic. It always helps focus me, and I need to pick up that tool once again. I had hoped to be doing a marathon this Spring... obviously that is not in the works, but as I look to this next year... that is the goal. Where as last year I was beginning to have the energy to make the claim... I can now feel the energy building to back it up. So, as with so many things in life... the cycle begins once again. Runners take your mark...

This was supposed to be a quick "hey, I am really going to run tomorrow post"... and then I was going to send you to a great blog post from a new Flickr friend of mine. *warning* if you don't want to see a picture of me rockin out in my undies... do not follow the link to Hilary's Blog.

Monday, March 12, 2007

A RUN... sorta

It was over 50 degrees here in Spencer today... so, you bet I was going to get out the door for a run. Unfortunately my body was not on the same page. I tried to get the legs going... and they just weren't going to do it. My knee felt like a rusty old hinge, beat up and frozen up. I did at least get out there and get things movin, so maybe my next attempt will go a little better. It was a long past few days... also part of the problem. I was working long hours (meaning standing on the concrete) and the legs just were not up to the task today. However, it was so beautiful out that I didn't really care... so I just enjoyed the "near Spring" day. Hopefully the running part will happen next time.

today: 1 mile or so
Week: 1 mile

Thursday, March 01, 2007


Ok sports fans... we are going to get a Shaky Tree RAGBRAI team together. RAGBRAI is a bike ride across Iowa. Well, it is sort of a big party on wheels from what I understand. We had the idea of getting a team together, and now that the route is going right through Spencer... we are REALLY excited to do it. I have made a team... so if you are interested in joining in the fun, go through the sign up process on the website, it is team "Shaky Tree" (group #30698). We have to get chosen in a lottery (I am still trying to figure out how this all works...) but I think being on a team gives a better chance. We will be getting a vehicle (maybe a few) to keep gear and such, as well as hopefully selling coffee along the way. I am posting this here first to get as many friends outside of Iowa as I get going on this... should be fun!!! If you are interested, we have to get this set up soon!!!

RAGBRAI- week long bike ride across Iowa, fun times!!!
When: July 22-28
E-mail me for more info if you are interested.

Sunday, February 11, 2007


Originally uploaded by TreeBed.
Stop the presses... I actually got a run in today!!! It wasn't much of a run, but it was something. If you notice the forecast below, there is not a whole lot of chance of it being repeated anytime soon (who knows). However, I needed to get out and at least get the blood flowing, the mental boost... as well as a bit of stretching (probably the most useful part of the whole thing). The winter "blahs" have been wearing on me a bit (especially since I am actually experiencing a winter)... running is one of things I am allowing myself to put on the shelf (can't really put a new business on the shelf), but that sort of works against me since it is one of the things that keeps the "blahs" at bay. I did feel good about getting something in though, and it gives me a little momentum to start doing some indoor work (stretching, and some other exercises). I want to be ready to get a routine going once the weather is a little better (hey, I will take 20s), and Shaky Tree doesn't demand as much energy.

Anyway, if you are wondering why this post is called 42, I am doing this challenge on Flickr to take a picture of myself 365 days in a row. That is where most of my "blogging" energy has been going since Jan 1st... if you have been checking in on Go Elvis! I appreciate it, I will be getting it going again soon. Shaky Tree is going to have a RAGBRAI team... everyone is welcome to join us. There will be more info soon.

Today: 2-3 miles (no watch, and wasn't really paying attention)
Week: 2+

Heat Wave...

Heat Wave
Originally uploaded by TreeBed.
Could this mean... a run?

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Shaky Tree Crew

Shaky Tree Crew
Originally uploaded by TreeBed.
Yes... I have been rather bad about posting... mostly cause NO running is getting done... I was so busy with the Barista competition, and now I am sort of dragging along in recovery mode. I was not able to pull off one of those spectacular "out of no where" victories, but I was able to learn a lot and have fun doing it. It was hard to not be on top of my game while in the spot light... however, I knew that was simply my ego, and when I looked at the bigger picture... it was a victory just putting myself out there. I knew that I couldn't forever live my life "trying not to screw up", but I had got my self so ingrained in that way of thinking... I really had to force my self to get out there. I knew I would learn a ton by taking my lumps, but it was like my whole body didn't trust that knowledge. I hope this experience helped further open the door to living a more open life. A life where fear is simply another input, not a controlling factor. You can go over to the Shaky Tree blog and find out a bit more about the competition.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Well, I have been training... but haven't got a run in for some time. I have been coffee training... Next week I will be competing in the Midwest Regional Barista Competition in Kansas City. It has been awhile since I have been in this position. I mean I have done a couple of organized runs (not really races) in the past year, but nothing like a real competition. Nothing where I put myself out there. I always said that if I jumped in one of these Barista competitions, that I would do so when I was ready to win... being that I have really only had about 3 weeks to prepare for this... my expectations are a little different. However, I will still go into it wanting to win.

When I decided I was going to do this competition (right before leaving the midwest for the holiday), I had this rush of excitement... like I used to when I would dream about a conference meet or something. It was strange how almost foreign that feeling had become (as is the nervous butterflies in my stomach now ;-) The past 4 years or so I became so closed off that there was no room for that type of emotion. I wasn't able to really care about anything all that much. Not to say that winning a Barista competition is of the utmost importance now, but I am willing to say I want to win... and it will be a very public statement. Micah is Alive ;-) It will draw a good bit of attention to Shaky Tree, and really be the kick off to a year of putting myself out there. This is both exciting... and terrifying. There is still the part of me that has been buried for years that is sensitive to being "out there", and wants very badly to go right back into the cave. Each day it seems I can feel more and more input coming in... some I recognize, some I have no idea what to do with. The grey area between wading through deep grief, and being a functional liver (and lover) of life is a bit more pronounced than I anticipated. I guess I always thought there would be grief and sadness, and then bam... something else. I feel like this competition is a big step towards the tipping point. That is an exciting prospect. One of the next steps will be that darn marathon I have been talking about. One step at a time... with lots of breathing in between.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!!!

Being the first day of the new year I figured I better start things off with a run... oh, and I haven't run for... well, a long time. I had these grand plans of getting plenty of sunny CA runs in while home... not so much. Soon it will be off to the frozen midwest (which I am sure will motivate me to run), and we'll see what happens on the training front.

Anyway, I hope everyone had a fun (and safe) NYE... and has a beautiful start to the new year.

Today: 3 miles
Week: 3 miles