Monday, March 12, 2007

A RUN... sorta

It was over 50 degrees here in Spencer today... so, you bet I was going to get out the door for a run. Unfortunately my body was not on the same page. I tried to get the legs going... and they just weren't going to do it. My knee felt like a rusty old hinge, beat up and frozen up. I did at least get out there and get things movin, so maybe my next attempt will go a little better. It was a long past few days... also part of the problem. I was working long hours (meaning standing on the concrete) and the legs just were not up to the task today. However, it was so beautiful out that I didn't really care... so I just enjoyed the "near Spring" day. Hopefully the running part will happen next time.

today: 1 mile or so
Week: 1 mile

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