Thursday, March 01, 2007


Ok sports fans... we are going to get a Shaky Tree RAGBRAI team together. RAGBRAI is a bike ride across Iowa. Well, it is sort of a big party on wheels from what I understand. We had the idea of getting a team together, and now that the route is going right through Spencer... we are REALLY excited to do it. I have made a team... so if you are interested in joining in the fun, go through the sign up process on the website, it is team "Shaky Tree" (group #30698). We have to get chosen in a lottery (I am still trying to figure out how this all works...) but I think being on a team gives a better chance. We will be getting a vehicle (maybe a few) to keep gear and such, as well as hopefully selling coffee along the way. I am posting this here first to get as many friends outside of Iowa as I get going on this... should be fun!!! If you are interested, we have to get this set up soon!!!

RAGBRAI- week long bike ride across Iowa, fun times!!!
When: July 22-28
E-mail me for more info if you are interested.


Anonymous said...

Just thought I'd post to say I went out for a run yesterday in GG Park-
3 miles tops. It was a day that I don't think you would have stayed inside, that's what got me out and running around the City. Hope you can start running again soon. Run Milah Run.

Anonymous said...

What address should we send our entry forms to??-we are to send them in as a group.
