Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Shaky Tree Crew

Shaky Tree Crew
Originally uploaded by TreeBed.
Yes... I have been rather bad about posting... mostly cause NO running is getting done... I was so busy with the Barista competition, and now I am sort of dragging along in recovery mode. I was not able to pull off one of those spectacular "out of no where" victories, but I was able to learn a lot and have fun doing it. It was hard to not be on top of my game while in the spot light... however, I knew that was simply my ego, and when I looked at the bigger picture... it was a victory just putting myself out there. I knew that I couldn't forever live my life "trying not to screw up", but I had got my self so ingrained in that way of thinking... I really had to force my self to get out there. I knew I would learn a ton by taking my lumps, but it was like my whole body didn't trust that knowledge. I hope this experience helped further open the door to living a more open life. A life where fear is simply another input, not a controlling factor. You can go over to the Shaky Tree blog and find out a bit more about the competition.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fix the link to Shaky Tree Blog. You have an extra // in it.