Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Well, I was oh so close to getting a run in today... instead I took a nap. Yeah, not the same. I am craving a run, but feel pretty crappy so it has been hard to get out the door. I have run myself in to the ground a bit the past week or so, and now my body is fighting back. So, it is time to step back and make sure that I am taking care of myself (not always a strong suit of mine). The bright side is that the coffee house is starting to shape up... you can check out progress with the new link on the right side of the this page... TreeBed Projects. There you will find the start of another blog about my newest project (with links to pictures and such). Eventually we'll have a real website for the coffee house, but for now we'll just use the blog. The next few weeks will be pretty intense, hopefully it will generate some good stuff to talk about. However, it will be good ole Go Elvis! that reminds me to take time to get my running in (or some form of taking care of myself)... which I will do right now, and go to bed.


Anonymous said...

It is a sad state of affairs when Diablo runs more than Milah. I ran 4 miles yesterday.

Where are you at???

Diablo 4 miles
Milah 0 Miles

Milah 1 Nap
Diablo 0 Naps

It might be a toss up. I think I would rather be winning in the nap category...

TreeBed said...

At the moment I would be happy with naps or runs...