Thursday, March 23, 2006

Speed Workout

I had to report on my speed workout today... well, this evening. I had dinner in the city, headed up to have a "web site meeting" (which means having a cup of coffee with Carver - my 3rd trip to Ritual Roasters this week... and well, ever). Then it was a mad dash to catch the last ferry. At first I thought I had plenty of time... waiting for BART ... umm, this could be close... ummmmmm, there is no way I am going to make it... ummm, well, um if I run like the wind... I just might do it. BART hits the Embarcadero, and I am off... Up the stairs in leaps and bounds (give that lactic acid a head start), more stairs, the city air hits my lungs, I find my stride, glance at the watch, less than 1 min (depending on the mood of the driver), I can see the bus (the last ferry is actually a bus, don't ask), will myself across traffic, lungs burning, ahhhhh, I made it onto the bus!!! Then in rather anti-climactic fashion the bus driver gets slowly on the bus, punches my ticket (while looking at me as if I am a total moron for my display of "world class speed")... "Wasn't sure I would make it." I said with a half chuckle, "You made it." was his careless response. I thought a high-five would have been more appropriate. Anyway, I am not sure I will make this a part of my training schedule, but it was an exciting addition for today.

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