Sunday, May 28, 2006

Letting Go...

I am taking a day to myself on this fine Sunday. However, as part of that I decided to jot down a few of my thoughts, and that happens to included who ever is reading this. So, welcome ;-) I am using today to sift through "stuff" and clean out that which no longer needs to be kept. I have talked about doing this on here before. The power of cleaning out and letting go... it can be a big job. It is a strange thing to inherit a house. Most people spend there lives working to buy a house and fill it up with "stuff" (usually to realize they don't need half of it)... my brother and I must do the opposite. Take a house full of "stuff" and whittle it down to what we need (and want). Some of this is easy. For example, today I am going through sheets... holy cow, we have enough sheets to open a decent sized hotel. Not too hard for me to toss old sheets into a bag for give away. However, when it comes to random things that remind me of my dad... that seems harder. As if I am giving up one more little piece of him (and can't bare the thought of losing anymore). Some of those things I end up keeping til the next round, and some I say good bye to. Perhaps if I come across one of these items from now on, I will write down a little memory that I get from the item and send it on its way. As I get more and more focused to live my own life, I realize the power in letting as much baggage go as possible. I am finding ways to keep close the spirit of my dad, and let go of the surface. This is something that I am working on applying to the whole of my life. If I could keep focused on the spirit of those around me, rather than their surface... I would have a LOT less to let go of... guess that is why it is called a journey.

I hope you find something beautiful in the spirit of your day...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.