Monday, November 28, 2005

Vallejo Running...

originally uploaded by TreeBed.
Yep, that is a big ouch! Ok, so I will be thankful for getting to run in a nice location my first week back... and there ARE nice places to run around the Bay, just not outside my front door.

Today is a planning day anyway, so no run...
I will post more later.


Anonymous said...

No run. Come on now, even I got one in after a long day of travel. Maybe it was the early morning. 15 min. through the getto is better than nothing. OK,now I'll stop preaching.

Mr. B said...

Even I went for a run today Milah. So it was only 200 meters from the car to library in pouring rain, but it was a run. Ok, a bouncy backpack stumble. And I'm still recovering 30 minutes later. Ah the first real rain of the year. Gotta love it and love that it's Nov. 28th.