Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Running in Wine Country

It was a beautiful cool and misty day up in Napa , and perfect for a run. After posting the picture of Vallejo, I started thinking about where I was going to do the bulk of my running. I realized that once upon a time I had an ever expanding catalogue of places to run in my head. I was always on the look out for possible trails, bike paths, and even wide shouldered roads. There are a lot of those things I don't pay attention to any more. It used to be that everything was in the context of how it would affect my running... when/what I ate, the weather (see a limp flag and think awww no wind today, perfect), how I planned my day. It is strange how things like that are starting to pop back into my brain, and I recognize that they have been missing for some time. Anyway, back to my run today. I explored the new bike path that is being built in Napa, and I also found a nice cinder track at the JC (not that I will be doing workouts anytime soon, but it was sort of fun to think about). I got my easy 3 miles in and enjoyed splashing in a few puddles. It felt good to have a little mud on my legs again.

Today: 3 miles easy
Week: 7 miles

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cinder huh. You're going old school now. All I can picture is the 440 across from Bay! When the dirt track at your school was better than the tarton one, ah, good times.