Thursday, January 15, 2009


Originally uploaded by TreeBed
Happy New Year everyone... I hope it is treating you well. It has been a little rough around the edges in my world, but the sun has been shining so I will smile. Another good thing about the sun shining in CA (compared to IA in January)... is that there is no excuse to not get the running shoes on and get going. I will admit that the shoes have not made it out yet, but I am happy to say... the BIKE has. Yes, I am wading into new territory and getting back on a bike for the first time (consistently) since I was a kid!

Last time through the Northwest I picked up my mom and dad's old bikes (from when I was a kid). They had been banished to live a sad life in the shed for many years, and with the help of my house-mate (josh)... they have found a second wind.

I am hoping I find a second (or so) wind myself. I am ready to find a rhythm once again to my fitness. To understand where my body is at and how far I can push it. I have decided to make the bike an intricate part of this. This choice is based partly on the state of my body (and joints). The miles over the years, and the time off have added up to a hurting unit. However, I also think it will be helpful to have a new challenge to tackle. I have no preconceived notions of what I can do on a bike, and thus can partially just enjoy it. Many of my running attempts are often foiled by my bodies lack of ability to do what it knows I once did. My hope is that the bike will allow my body to catch up a bit to the mental part of my running... eventually putting everything in sync. The tentative goal at that point is to perhaps start looking at some biathlons or triathlons.

For now I am enjoying my short rides, and looking forward to a run sometime soon.

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