Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Today was one of those "get back into it" runs... you know, where you feel really crappy, but you just sort of have to push on through it. Yep, one of those. It didn't help that I let it get too hot outside before heading out. However, I am feeling good now that I got it in. I am hoping tomorrow will feel a bit better and I can jump back up to 5 miles, but for now... I will take what I can get. It is nice to be home... not quite ready to jump into all that I need to get done, but the clock is a tickin!

Today: 3 miles
Week: 6 miles


Karli said...

clock is ticking and I'm sure it doesnt help you've got me being a pest about it! SORRY! :)

Anonymous said...

I just have to say that I ran further then Milah today...

I ran with a group from work, and we did about 4 miles at a decent pace. That meant I was hurting because I haven't run in a bit. It was good to get that feel back for a bit. Although for the rest of the day that feel would have been nice to forget :)
