Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Back to Basics

Well, I was feeling a bit sluggish today... all that energy ready to dive into a million different things caught up to me, in the form of "where the heck do I start?" So, I decided the best place to start was back at the basic spark that got the ball rolling in the first place... a run. I would like to say that it was a beautiful experience that sent me roaring back from the blahs, but it wasn't that. Instead it was a rather ugly, tight chested, soar knee, windy, cold (well compared to Belize, sorry Midwesterners) and short run. However, I think it did the trick. A little bit of refocusing, and the ability to put that check mark of something positive on my day. It will take a few runs to get the legs rolling again... that is ok.

So, how is everyone else's running going? Give me a progress report...

Today: 2.5 miles
Week: 2.5 miles


Anonymous said...


Good to see you got back into it, and yeah it's going to be rough, but this time it wont take near as long to get back to where the runs feel easy. Just keep it going.

As for me, last week I finally hit my first 100 mile week, and this week should be close to 110. I want to keep it going through March, then start backing it down for May 7th. (Nothing has been real fast, but I am getting it done)

I'm glad you had fun on your trip, and hope it went well for you.


TreeBed said...

Nice!!! The 100 mile mark is pretty cool eh? In the end it is just a number, but when you have done it... you know you have put something in that not everyone has done. Keep it rolling, and listen closely to your body.

Anonymous said...

Hello There,

The first run back always sucks. All the air travel will suck your body down! Why are your knees sore? Bad shoes- hard surfaces? I notice I was getting alot more leg problems as I get older so I started to put in two days of bike instead of running. I love the bike the freedom of just taking off and riding for hours and watching people live their lives. besides the Bay area is a graet place to ride with awsome support and group rides. Think about it. As for Tom a 100 is great but make sure that you are not losing touch of speed. Be it over unders (400 at mar pace 400 at 10k) or mar. prep runs (up to 15 miles of goal mar pace) Good luck all.

Paul Quirke

TreeBed said...

I think the knee pain is from tight IT band... lots of sitting in poor position during the course, as well as trompsing around much of the time in rubber boots with no support. Oh, and I am getting old and put a few of those 100 mile weeks in myself back in the day ;-) I think today will go better... heck, the sun is out, that is a good start!

Anonymous said...


Welcome back....we would love to see you soon and hear all about your adventures. Jackson is missing his "big cousins". As far as my running, I am the total weekend warrior at this point...until the kids get older I am not sure I can squeeze any runs in the week. I am up to about 10-12 miles on the weekend though, and boy does it feel good when I do get out, even if I am pushing a 35lb child in jogging stroller. Hope to see you soon....jamie