Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Two for One

I didn't get a chance to post about my run on Monday, but it was great!!! The weather was perfect as the sun was setting, and the people of Indianapolis were out in full force enjoying it. I managed to find the "canal walk" which provided a nice spot for the first half of my run (the other half being downtown-urban)... it wasn't wooded trails, but certainly was fun people watching. Something else was present on this run, and I am not sure I have put my finger on it yet. However, I felt stronger than I have felt on a run in long time, and with that came a mental shift. I am not sure what will come of it, but I wanted to make note of it. The other thing that this run brought was finally getting 3-pain-free miles out of a run... oh yeah!!!

Today's run was not as inspiring. Although it was a bit quicker pace than normal, and that felt kind of good. It was quicker in part, because I am back in Iowa and it is colder (I wanted to warm up). I also think that the pace was a good (along with Monday's run) indicator that I am making progress. Nice...

Today: 2 (quick) miles
Week: 5+ miles

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