Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Mental Marbles

By all accounts, today should have been great... I saw, and talked to good friends that I don't see often. Watched some futbol, ate amazingly well today (always a bright spot for me)... However, I just never had the mental marbles to enjoy it. I am not sure what the deal was. Just couldn't come up with it. Part of that might have been a lack of a run... so, part of why I am writing this stuff down, is to make sure to run tomorrow. Whenever I reach a new mental plateau it always hurts twice as much when I slide off... it is part of the cycle. I understand that, but damn it still hurts. I guess I need to recognize that it is probably my "self" trying to tell me something... time out perhaps. I need to be a better listener. That is why this blog is good for me... there are lots of ears that keep me in check. Not that I am good with nagging, but knowing that I hate contradiction... when I am not listening to my own needs, putting it in writing makes me see my own contradictions. That usually helps force change. It always comes back to, one step in front of the other. No matter how fast, or slow, or experienced... one foot in front of the other. One step...

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