Saturday, June 24, 2006

Pink Triangle

Pink Triangle
Pink Triangle,
originally uploaded by TreeBed.
This week was a bit of a wash in the running department. I did discover that something has changed in me... a motivation or lightbulb to live that is growing brighter (a good thing to see). However, I didn't see a whole lot of results in terms of pounding the pavement. I did try to get my last run of the week in tonight... but my knee didn't really like the whole day in the car yesterday. So, it was more of a run, walk, run, walk, run... type thing. I will call it 3, but that is being generous.

On an inspirational note though. This morning I went with my mom into SF and helped (well, supported) my cousin (and a bunch of family that came into town) put up a giant Pink Triangle, a symbol used by the Nazis to recognize and persecute gays (among a whole batch of other symbols for people they didn't like, and ultimately tried to destroy). The gay community has adopted that symbol in a way to take back that persecution, and turn it into a pride of acceptance as well as remembrance. Perhaps gay issues make you uncomfortable, that is ok... but hopefully you can see the value in having justice for ALL people. This is a celebration and a symbol about recognizing the humanity that we all share. Remembering that we must work together to give ALL people a chance at the happiness that we all crave. A powerful and needed message in our world today. It was quite a festive event... with the mayor, celebrities (none of which I really new cause I don't watch enough TV) and just a cool community atmosphere. A good reminder to be good to each other.

Today: 3 miles
Week: 9 miles

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