Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Time Change

Today I made the time adjustment work for me... I heard my brother leave at 6am, and I was awake... so I got up. Weird. I guess it is a good thing. I have already got some time in the garden, a few hours of work in and a run. I will admit that it is sort of creeping me out that it is not even noon yet. Perhaps I will become an early riser... we'll see what happens as the time change wears off.

Today: 5 miles
Week: 12+ miles


Anonymous said...

I will never forget the time I tried to wake you and Chris up for a A.M run- Chris barked at me "GO AWAY" and you said " aaaaa I 've got stuff to do" and fell back asleep. A.M type person- good luck with that.


TreeBed said...

Yeah... I didn't make it out of be til 8:45am this morning... which is still pretty good for me, but its no 6am.

And for the record lets clarify how you would wake us up ;-) Little pokes with your finger, "wake up, wake up..." with way too much energy for that early in the morning... these were our college days after all. And I am sure I was working on some very important stuff in those dreams ;-)

Anonymous said...

Me! I would never be that annoying!!!
