Thursday, April 13, 2006

Beautiful Day

Today was a perfect example of how having the "bad", allows you to really appreciate the "good". My arrival back to California was dreary, cold and wet. However, today was nearly perfect... Sunny with billowing puffy clouds in stark contrast to the deep blue. You could almost see the plants stretching out to gulp up the sun after withstanding so many winter down pours. Somehow I doubt I would have recognized the awesome beauty of today without the dramatic turn around from yesterdays weather. This is the case with many things in life. My dad once said something like this to me in college. I was having a rough spell... He said something close to "appreciate the bad as best you can, it is how you know the good, is truly good." I sort of feel like I am nearing the verge of knowing that good... really knowing it. I have good things all around me, but it is my core that is in "rough times". So until that piece of me comes around, I will remain in that dark place. However, that is what I have been working on over the past few months (and continue to work on), and I am beginning to see how my life can embrace (and "truly know") the good. For that I am thankful.

Today: 3 miles
Week: 3 miles


Anonymous said...

I hear you on that. I had a great day as well. I didn't even get close to the shop in the first time in a long time. I'm not going in today either, and it feels great.

TreeBed said...

Good... that will be how you survive this whole thing... knowing when to take care of yourself ;-) Plus, you have to gear up, I'll be back in a few days ready to crank!

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty run down, no doubt about it. I'll be ready though, you know that. Chad's been getting some stuff done as well, believe it!?!

Anonymous said...

You two sound OLD.


Anonymous said...

Not sound, ARE OLD! And your right there with us.

Anonymous said...

I guess so- I have a college freshwoman that I am working with. She wants me to do her work out (3x500 at 4;41 pace + 3 x 150 (all out) I am not looking forward to this.
