Thursday, April 27, 2006

Stick a Fork in Me...

I'm done. Today's run showed me that I need to get back into a disciplined routine. I don't think that I am in that bad of shape, but I just don't have a good grasp of what is going on in my body. When I was in great shape I was much more in tune with the little ups and downs of myself. When a run didn't go well, I could pin point why. There are plenty of reasons why my runs don't feel great... lack of sleep, on my feet working, stress, humid air, Beetle and Robert going faster than my normal trot of the past months... perhaps it is just the fact that I'm lagging behind, maybe my old running spirit wants to get in gear and doesn't have the gas right now. Who knows. Anyway... today was a big day... we should come in tomorrow to a freshly painted ceiling at Southern Sole. That will be nice. Lots to do in the next few days...

Today: 4 miles
Week: 12 miles


Anonymous said...

Right now I am in a class that is teaching us about blogging. Hope it's not toO hot. Good Luck Boys.


TreeBed said...

Actually the weather has been beautiful for the past few days... but we have not really got out of the store to enjoy much of it. However, things are crankin the past few days... pictures tomorrow.