Monday, April 17, 2006


Been a busy bee... trying to get stuff done before heading back to Alabama on Wednesday. The weather has finally remembered that it is the middle of April and brought back the sun. So it was nice to get out into the yard and do some putzing around. Now I just got to get my butt out the door for a run...


Anonymous said...


I am 30 years old. One of my co-workers asked me if I woke up and cried. Not quite but close. I know that what I am doing with my life is the best for my kids but shit I feel like I am well... 30. So, men with no ties (or almost no ties) enjoy today just because it's toady.


Anonymous said...

You can't edit and drop these things!!!!


TreeBed said...

Well, I am close on your heals... and I will enjoy my freedom today. However, there are plenty of times when having some of the searching taken care of would be nice. That is the beauty of enjoying today, simply because it is today... because it helps us realize the beauty that is our present. I am glad I have such wise old friends. Enjoy your day my friend, and I am thankful for your 30 years. I look forward to getting plenty of runs in with you during the next 30 ;-)

Anonymous said...

PQ, we got into a conversation the other day about me and Micah sounding old, but what I didn't realize is that you are SO much older than us. Your post made me enjoy my day just a little more. All kidding aside, I'll agree with Micah's post. Better to be 30 than not 30 at all.