Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Sole in the South

Don't Use
Don't Use,
originally uploaded by TreeBed.
I will have to continue my thoughts about returning to my Southern roots later... For now, there is work to be done. Shawn has his work cut out for him. His building will be cool, but not before a lot of work goes in. It is exciting to see the potential there, and it is fun to be jammin on something with Shawn. This is exactly the sort of business situation I want to be in. Working with someone who knows what their strengths are, and knows when to use my strengths. I also knew it was a good sign when the book that I brought him to read (Let My People Go Surfing) ... He had already read. That book provides a good language to work with, and ultimately people looking to be a good as Patagonia are the people I want to work with.

Today is mostly absorbing what is going on. Lots of observing and getting a sense of what is appropriate for this project. It is nice to be out of rainy California... in beautiful Alabama!

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