Wednesday, April 05, 2006

On My Way

4/4/06 - 5:44pm in St. Louis

Well, this post won't go up until I can get on the internet, but I might as well do something while I am waiting for the plane. I am on my way to Alabama... I haven't been there for 15 years or so. My Dad was born and raised in Alabama, and we have gone back to visit family only a few times. Growing up on the very opposite end of the country, my "Southern" roots were not a major part of my identity. However, there were certain things that would come up every once in a while that stayed with Dad. So, I had an appreciation for gumbo, grits and other strange foods. - Ohhh, it looks like the herd is gathering (I am flying Southwest ), I better run and get my spot so I can stand in line for 20 min. I fly almost exclusively Southwest, so I obviously appreciate their business, but I am always amused (and a bit annoyed) when the first few people line up 40 mins before there will even be a thought of boarding. Once those few get up... the stampeed begins...

1 comment:

Scientist said...

Mooooo, let the cattle herding begin! Go Southwest Airlines!