Friday, January 06, 2006

Beautiful Day

Lots of Water
Lots of Water,
originally uploaded by TreeBed.
It was nice to see some sun on my return to the Bay. Although as you can see in the pic, there is still plenty of water around from all the rain they had. This is the run I did the first day of this blog... I remember wondering if the spill-way was ever used... questioned answered (the water is usually no where near that path). On that first day I had to walk up the hill (that is behind me in the pic), and that is when I thought about the idea for the blog... today the hill winded me, but the thought of walking didn't even enter my mind. I guess all those little steps add up after awhile. Thanks again for all of your help.

Today: 3 miles
Week: 18 miles

1 comment:

ginelle said...

Run Milah Run!