Sunday, January 08, 2006

The Punt

The past few weeks I have got myself into a cycle where I pack all my miles into the end of the week... just from a mental stand point I would rather do my long run early in the week and be running "down-hill" the rest of the week. However, when looking at my week, it is sometimes the 7 day total between weeks that should be looked at. I wanted to get back into a cycle of running my long run at the beginning of the week, so by running short yesterday that kept my 7 day total from going to far over what I want for a steady increase. Thus, yesterday I punted. Neat huh? Ok, whatever...

After a week or so of northwest grey... I could fully appreciate a beautiful sunset in the 60s along the bay this evening. It is nice to get another 7 in. I definitely get a different feeling from running over 45 min, and today was a bit easier than last week. I can feel a strength returning that I haven't had for sometime. I would like to say that means I am "in shape", but that just isn't how it works. I realized today that it would be silly for me to think that once I was able to run 7 miles that I would be "in shape", and by the same token, I can't expect to be done grieving because I read a book or take a certain length of time to process. It is back to being all about the journey. I ran 7 miles today, it felt really good, the sun was shining, I ate lunch with good friends who love me... I am alive and on many beautiful journeys. For that I am thankful.

Today: 7 miles
Week: 7 miles


Anonymous said...

Don’t worry about miles and their amounts! Think about minutes- then don’t total them. Know that ever other day I am going to run about 30 mins or 20- the other days I will run some type of on and off work. I stressed about miles and then gave up- now I don’t worry about the total mins. My new favorite work out comes from Kelly Sullivan (Oregon State coach) he says to run 5 min at 85% of max then 5 min at 65% the 4 min, 3, 2 then1. The best thing about this work out is you are always a winner. Try it you will agree.

Anonymous said...

anonymous= Paul Quirke

TreeBed said...

Yeah, once I get my build up done I would agree... for now though I need to watch how I build up. Part of it is also about setting a goal and achieving that goal. I can visualize the little steps of miles... I don't want to be a slave to them, but try to respect the pieces of the puzzle they represent.

I will give that work out a try once I get up to my 30 miles a week.

P.S. It was fun to see you and the Fam last week ;-)