Wednesday, January 25, 2006


I have slipped into a bit of the blahs... so I tried to make sure I got my run in early today. The good news is I got out the door, and I will call it 4 miles... I probably covered 5 miles, but a good bit of that was walking. Which, I am going to take advise given a few post ago, and not worry about it. The walking was actually nice. Sometimes it is easier to think about stuff while walking vs. running. Anyway, I think I am going to go get a weights set in as well, and a protein shake... my weight went back under 142 lbs today. I haven't been eating as well as I should (nor drinking my share of water).

Today: 4 miles
Weeks: 16 miles

1 comment:

TreeBed said...

I leave on the 3rd of Feb. Running on the beach sounds pretty good huh? 400s sound like fun... its been a long time since I did a workout. I was actually thinking today that some hills would be good this week. So, I think that maybe tomorrow that is what I will do...