Sunday, January 01, 2006

Saint Ralph

I just got done watching a great movie... and a "running" movie at that. Actually, I can't really think of a better movie to watch on the first day of the year. Especially since I am a bit on the down side of things (been battling the blahs for a bit... say that 5 times fast). The movie was Saint Ralph. It is about a kid who decides to try and win the Boston Marathon in attempt to create a miracle to bring his mom out of a comma. It comes down to being about putting yourself on the line for something you believe in. Taking a jump for something that doesn't seem possible or rational, and leaving nothing behind. I guess someone else found running as a good back drop and metephor for life situations. Anyway, I just wanted to share... it is not a Hollywood blockbuster, just a small Canadian film with a lot of heart. Check it out.

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