Tuesday, January 24, 2006


I wanted to let you all know that a week from Friday I will headed to Belize for a month. What?! Yup, I am taking a design course down there that will last two weeks, and then I am going to take a couple of weeks for myself. I am pretty darn excited! This is a course that I wanted to take since moving out here (4 years ago). When I saw that it was offered in Belize during Feb... I decided it was time. The course is in a design concept called Permaculture (contraction of "permanent" + "agriculture or culture"), it combines a lot of things that I am in to, gives a path to follow. Here are a few links with more info...

What is Permaculture?
The Belize Course

I am hoping to still get some posts up from Belize (and hopefully keep running)... should be an adventure!

No run today... it was a walk around town day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude that is awesome... you'll have to keep the updates flowing and take lots of pics. Good luck down there and hope you learn a lot about permawooodculture...