Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Healthy Rain

Today was one of those days that as it went on I felt less and less like running... Fortunately I didn't listen to that feeling! I didn't make it down to Berkeley, instead I had to run something up to the store (napa). I took my stuff up there, but no... then I got back home, hmmm... "It is going to get dark, Vallejo is not Berkeley or Napa, kind of hungry, etc." Instead, "get dressed and get out the door for a good 3." I am glad that I listened to the second voice. Already after a few easy days my legs felt good, I remember when I could feel little notches of getting in shape. I felt one of those click in today... it felt good. Towards the end of my run it started to rain. It was a healthy, pleasant rain. I thought about the poem I wrote only a few weeks ago about the rain mixing with tears... today I was fed by the rain. I took my hat off, and let my hair dance around a bit. I could feel each drop hitting my scalp, it was wonderful! I realized today the beauty of getting older. Sometimes we look at all the things we lose as we get older, but we gain so much as well. I have felt the past two months that I am starting from scratch, in both my running, and in many ways my life. However, that is not true. I have 28 years of life under my belt (and a pretty good chunk of miles). If I choose, I can use those experiences in so many ways to help get me to where I am still trying to go. Sure we get knocked back on occasion, but we have that much more knowledge to work with next time. I will take that "experience" over the wasted excess energy of my younger self any day (although I wouldn't mind having those rubbery/indestructible joints back).

So today, to the challenges in my life I say... I am ready to step to the line and listen for the gun to go off... I will give it my best, and run the race with the knowledge that I am doing the little things to get me where I want to be (both for today, and for future goals). I also run with the knowledge that I have lots of teammates out there that are doing the same. They want to see me be successful, just as I want to see them achieve their goals. By supporting each other during both ups and downs, we have a pretty good shot of feeling good about things, no matter how the "race" turns out.

Today: 3+ miles
Week: 6+ miles

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