Friday, January 27, 2006

Cleaning out the Closet

Today, I cleaned my closet. Talk about fun... Sorting through this and that, dividing into "keep" and "time to let go of". I will admit that I am some what of a pack rat, you just never know when something will be useful. I do this both in the physical world, and even more so in my mental world. As I continue on this process of getting my "soul" back in shape, I am quickly approaching a time where I will need to clean out the closet in my heart. I have been working very hard to get my physical world in order before my trip so that when I return I am ready to roll. That has meant going through my "piles", not just moving them from one place to another, but sifting through and dealing. In that work has been reminders of the clutter in my heart. Things that I have held onto for one reason or another... Conversations (words both said to me and from me), relationships, ideas of where or who I should be at this point in my life, anger, fears. This is why when I crash mentally, it can be hard, and doesn't take much to trigger sometimes. I have realized this time around that this comes from the weight of all those piles in my heart. Things that if I were to let go of, I would be free to move on from and not be carrying around through my daily walk. This is easy to say, but hard to do. However, when I think about moving past the tightness in my chest, and breathing fully into my heart again. Being able to love fully (myself included) is something I want in my life. So I made a box... A "things to let go of" box. During my sorting, if I come across a physical reminder of something in my heart that it is time to let go of (a letter, pic, etc.) it goes into that box. Not to be buried again, but at sometime to be let go of. Something that I preached as a coach was that all the little things that you do add up to allowing you to put it together at some point (whether a race, or dreams and life ambitions). Speaking of such things... I got my miles in today and a nice little weights session. Have a great weekend all!

Today: 5 miles
Week: 25 miles

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